Well, it's been 2 years now since I first discovered this wonderful online community and decided to become a part of it, and although I haven't been nearly as active here lately as I used to be (due to lots of RL complications), I'm still EXTREMELY glad that I found this place back in 2019, and also that I still get to pop in here every now and then, like today! (And hopefully I'll be able to pop in more often in the near future.)
For those who may not already know, my 2DS broke last year, and although my mom's phone (and this tablet of my dad's that I'm using RN) have freed me of my 2DS's text limit, and allowed me to copy and paste things (both of which have been REALLY helpful), I still miss my old 2DS, and I hope that I'll be able to use it again on here sometime soon.
Like most of the people who found this website, I did so on a DS, and while many of the older (adult) members of this site now have access to devices with better web browsers now, to me and many others here, who rely on their old DSi, 3DS, or 2DS to access this website (like I did for the majority of my time here), this website and others like it are special places that allow us to make friends with people whom would otherwise be out of our reach, and for all of those lonely, depressed kids out there (and lonely, depressed adults like myself) who have no friends IRL, this place is a Godsend.
During this past year, there have been a lot of changes in my RL situation, and I thank God that things turned out how the did, but here on Paint, I've noticed (on those rare occasions that I'm actually online, lol) that things are looking pretty inactive here lately, which is something that I will hopefully be able to try to fix in the near future, by being more active on here myself.
What I actually wanted to talk about in this blog, however, has more to do with Paint than myself, and that is why things are so inactive in the first place.
There are probably lots of reasons why (I'd imagine COVID-19 is among them), but I wanted to focus on one reason in particular: the prominent members of this community who have chosen to leave over the past year or so.
Some of the people who left did so because they had no choice, and RL circumstances beyond their control made it impossible and/or dangerous for them to be online, but sadly, there are a number people who have been on Paint since 2012 or earlier, and who basically grew up on this site, who chose to leave because they feel that Paint isn't the same as it was years ago, and that they (for whatever reasons) don't like what Paint has become.
Many of these people were are good friends of mine, and I sincerely hope that they return some day, but it saddens me that they can't appreciate the website I fell in love with 2 years ago, and still love with all my heart to this day.
Yes, it is less active than it was back then, and there are lots of new people here now (which IMO is a good thing), but rather than trying to help the website they grew up with to grow and flourish, they leave, just because it's different?
Personally, I think that's just plain wrong, and I for one will NEVER leave Paint for any reason (unless I have no choice, of course). Period.
Now, from what I've heard, most of the members who left Paint (and many who are still here) are on the SDK Discord server, or communicate with their old friends from here on Paint via other, more mainstream social media websites (like Discord), but by doing so, they are shutting themselves off from all of the younger (and typically newer) members whom are reliant on their DSi, 3DS, and/or 2DS to visit this website, which is sad, because they are Paint's future.
I only have a few online accounts, and all of them (save for my E-mail account, which I had to set up on Mom's phone) were created using that old 2DS of mine, and if it weren't for me being able to create an account here without an E-mail account 2 years ago, I would hath never found the courage in myself to create any of them.
DSi and 3DS websites are special, and the people who left here because Paint isn't the same as it was several years ago have forgotten that, and they need to realize that they aren't the same as they were back then, either, and simply accept Paint for the wonderful place that it is now, rather than holding it to an unreasonable standard.
That being said, I'm just glad that I found Paint when I did, and as much as I would've liked to have been here back during this place's heyday, I'm looking towards Paint's future, not its past, and I hope that those who have left us can find it in their hearts to do the same.
I'd like to thank all of those members who stayed here on Paint for all of these years, and who have tried to help this place in whatever ways they can.
I'd also like to extend an extra thank you to all of those who keep this site up and running, and who take time out their busy RLs to help maintain and improve it. (Including our resident KanColle enthusiast, lol!)
And last but not least, I'd like to thank all of the new members of this website, and I hope that y'all will stay here for many years to come!
P.S. I believe that the image that I used at the top of this blog is the first thing ever drawn on DSiPaint, all those years ago...
(I thought that it would add a nice nostalgic touch for those veteran members who're still around, IDK.)
I logged in to see what happened to all my old friends and all of them haven’t been active since 2013-2014 or earlier. It breaks my heart because I’ve held onto so many good memories but eventually everybody had forgotten about this site.
Well, if it's any consolation, there are lots of nice people (including myself) who try to be online as often as they can, and will never forget about this site, so if you're feeling up for it, perhaps you could try to make some new friends here?
(Even though things haven't been all that active lately, in spite of this.)
Your viewpoint on those who left the site because it isn't the same is a bit selfish. What, you want people who don't enjoy being here anymore to stay here and you have the gall to tell them that they shouldn't be looking towards the past here at all for this? Come on man. Surely you see the problem with this. I can understand where you're coming from with that, but it seems like it was just written out of selfish desires to keep people here, even if they no longer like it here, whatever that reason may be. It kind of kills any good feelings this blog normally would incite in me
This. I have to agree that people eventually have their reasons to leave, and we ought to respect that.
To many, it's just a phase, and it'll stay that way. No harm in that.
05 Sep 2021 11:53
In reply to GuiedGui
I understand both of your perspectives, and you are certainly correct in pointing out that I have my own selfish motivations for wanting people to stay, but in my mind, it's about more than just myself, but rather, the well-being of the website itself.
Rather than complaining about how things are now, I would advise individuals whom have lost interest in staying here to try to bring back the things that they liked about Paint back then, and use Paint's past as a blueprint for it's future.
Unfortunaterly, giving up is a far easier option, and more than likely, these individuals have more RL responsibilities then when they were kids, and would rather spend their free time elsewhere, perhaps on those "more mainstream social media websites" that I mentioned in the blog.
(Paint can't exactly compete with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Tok, now can it?)
06 Sep 2021 05:56
In reply to Draconid_Jo
It's precisely because we're not big that we can't keep up, but it is better to think on good terms first
13 Sep 2021 03:37
In reply to GuiedGui
And I'd like to add that "big" is a relative term, anyway.
(IMO, Paint can not only become far bigger than it is now, but even bigger than it was in its heyday.)
a lot of people chose to leave, not mainly because this place has changed, but because they themselves have changed. they want to move on with their lives, growing up from this place.
yeah it's not the greatest place, but it does hold a special spot in my heart
though i eventually will move on, because i really don't need this place anymore
it's still the same special thing
but there's nothing more i can learn from here- or even do
05 Sep 2021 12:05
In reply to Gemini Guardian
Then we are essentially in agreement as to why it is happening: the kids who once loved this place growing up, rather than something changing with the website itself.
IDK, I've always been a peculiar, sentimental person, and my one greatest fear throughout most of my childhood was being forced to give up the things that I loved, because they were considered "childish".
Without getting too far into this subject (it's kinda what my upcoming Member Appreciation day blog is about), I will simply say that I am a person that falls in love with things, and once I've fallen in love with something (such as Paint), years, decades, even (theoretically) centuries do not change these feelings, this aspect of my personality (much like the feelings it creates) is unlikely to ever change.
Put simply, it's not about whether I "need" Paint for me, it's about whether I want it, and I always will. (I understand that most people aren't that way, though.)
BTW, on a completely unrelated note, I'd like to ask you why the heck autocorrect keeps changing "they" to "theory"?
(The word "they" is used as heck of a lot more often by me, lol!)
Congrats dude! I'm extremely hapy to see that you're able to pop in from time to time, and that you miss what paint was when you joined (as do I). I look forward to the day where you can log onto Paint anytime of the day just because you can. Until next time, : D
05 Sep 2021 12:09
In reply to cdog3789
Of course, I'm certainly happy about all of the new people that I've met as time went on here (such as @GuiedGui@popuko115 and @tora-kokoro ), and while there are certainly those that I miss ( @xpokee probably being at the top of that list), my new friends can help make up for the sadness I feel because of those who have left. (Not to mention that old friends can return someday, like how @hiyamadz did recently.)