Yup its OFFICIAL! My mom totally wants a Nintendo Wii 2 SO she is gonna buy it when it comes out soon. :3 SHE FREAKING LOVES video games. XD haha "Don't we all?"
She didn't like the Nintendo 3DS. I don't know why.
She wants a Nintendo Wii 2 NOT only because its new... the reason is because it is PERFECT for the whole family to play with AND hahaha our Nintendo Wii is getting old. (we had it since the first month came out) Gotta love your moms right? ^_^
Are you getting a Wii 2?
It's offical! Playstation Network is back online and ready to go. Now start playing some Call of Duty Black Ops, Naruto Shippuden Ninja Storm 2, etc. online like what I am doIng! Let's hope this will never happen again! Thank you.
That book was so stupid! XD I laugh the whole time. We had to read that for school... For stupid summer reading.
Bin Laden was buried at sea! I hated him because he killed innocent CHILDREN, WOMEN, and MEN. Even for no good reason at ALL!
Bin Laden is dead. His death was caused by one our U.S. bomb.
Is this a big deal? He wasn't caused for the 9/11 attack. I thought this breaking news was gonna be epic.
So much for the Republicans getting back in the next presidential office next year.
Wait a minute... So let me get this straight. You can finally remove HM in Pokemon Black/White now?
How come in the other Pokemon games you couldn't OR am I just crazy! XD
Good luck... My Nintendo Wii was so messed up that not even then Nintendo Wii disk cleaner OR ANYTHING couldn't work D: My Nintendo Wii lived a healthy life... God Bless
So yeah GOOD LUCK!
When your on the computer, check the first ever The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D intro! The graphics have been IMPROVED and new camera angles. I I I cried... it was beautiful and WOW JUST WATCH!