It doesn't really have any games (As of now) that interest me. I can play Batman without annoying touch screen controls on the cheaper PS3/360. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind touch, but some of the Gamepad stuff just looks like a hassle. NSMB U looks waaay better than NSMB 2, but I'm not shelling out $250-$300 just so I can buy a 2D Mario. Plus, there are so many 3DS games coming out, and ones that I still haven't got.
For the 3DS, Kid Icarus: Uprising all the way. Many people prefer Mario Kart 7 or Super Mario 3D Land, but Uprising just has more put into it. And the online is soooooo much fun! XD I've put over 70 hours into the online, 50 into the campaign. Then there is some nice extra stuff I've also spent some time with. :)
Games don't need to look realistic to have good graphics. Skyward Sword anyone? Graphics are very important to me, but I judge the graphics of games based on what the system they are on is capable of.
I now know by looking at Rob-de-prop's and Shinestar's profile comments, that Rob's dad is refusing to pay the bill. Which means...Rob's dad now has 10,000 haters. XD
It's not the money, it's the method of paying. Rob has the money, but his Dad doesn't want to use a credit card to pay for the site.