Port your opinion of the Youtube celeb! ...That's pretty much it...
I'll start:
Hilarious, even if he swipes children's innocence with his rather mature videoes.
I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake!
And so we come to the motley assortment that is Youtube personalities. I might first regally boast of the fact that I manage to turn a blind eye to 90% of Youtube and 99% of Youtube trends, regardless of how often they pop up, and Ray William Johnson is no exception. From limited visual experience, I can probably safely conclude that his show is little more than viral videos accompanied by commentary--of which the commentary largely based on pointless profanity and degrading locker room "humor" is far more childish than the elementary videos that are unfortunately thrust into the harsh spotlight. Not to mention certain atrocities marketed as "music". However, that's not to say the guy doesn't deserve to be where he is today, seeing as it is obvious that he knows exactly how to cater to the degenerate teenage-minded audience that makes up the bulk of the Youtube populace and the internet in general. So yes; Youtube is awesome 'cause I can watch perpetual cute kitty videos and all the advertising glory I missed while dozing during the commercials.