The distinguished Darmani Link spake:it seems that with no matter what game you play, if its made by capcom, all the enemies have this annoying spamming stratagy. the second your up, it hits you, knocking you down, and it NEVER ENDS. Okami is the only good game. enemies dont spam, and you cant get knocked down. Monster huntard and street fighter. knock down, heavy attack repeat. its all the enemies do. Dood, it's been like that forever, and SNK bosses were 3x cheaper than anything capcom made. As far as street fighter goes you just need to suck less. I don't like where capcom's going though. $60 games with $40 super hyper extreme mode add-on games with dlc unlocking things that should've been on disk. give me a break, crapcom. you used to be cool.
i dont suck. scrubs always use m bison and spam that one attack. i dont spam, i play fair and try to have fun.I was talking about anyone who has a move like that. I also play fair and I really want at least one fight where its not just "HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN"
it seems that with no matter what game you play, if its made by capcom, all the enemies have this annoying spamming stratagy. the second your up, it hits you, knocking you down, and it NEVER ENDS. Okami is the only good game. enemies dont spam, and you cant get knocked down. Monster huntard and street fighter. knock down, heavy attack repeat. its all the enemies do.
The distinguished Darmani Link spake:[quote]it seems that with no matter what game you play, if its made by capcom, all the enemies have this annoying spamming stratagy. the second your up, it hits you, knocking you down, and it NEVER ENDS. Okami is the only good game. enemies dont spam, and you cant get knocked down. Monster huntard and street fighter. knock down, heavy attack repeat. its all the enemies do.
I have to disagree about Monster Hunter. It's a game of hunting monsters. You can't play it like any other adventure or fighting game. You have to dodge, and learn which area of the creature to strike at.sounds like WoW. you have to look for there spawning zones. farm enemies to get mats for armor. only difference is that enemies cant spam.
It's not Devil May Cry. You can't just rush in and be all kewl about it.
The distinguished Darmani Link spake:[quote]i dont suck. scrubs always use m bison and spam that one attack. i dont spam, i play fair and try to have fun.I was talking about anyone who has a move like that. I also play fair and I really want at least one fight where its not just "HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN HODUKEN"[/quote] that sounds like a dream come true. this one guy had 50k BP on akuma, so i thought he was good. then all i saw was that big OP fireball being spammed. and guess what the hypocrits name was? DontSpam. -.-