Sonic:go on custom stages and put a ramp and a few blocks before it so sonic can run before the ramp put 7 spikes and put another ramp also put a enemy in the other ramp finally run and in the ramp press
B+↓ then sonic will go in horizontal direction exactly to the enemy (heres a second glitch)when sonic hits the enemy it automaticaly appears above.
Wario: do the same stage as in the sonic glitch then run and press B+→ and wario motorcycle will bounce in spikes.
There are also youtube videos of each glitch the sonic glitch video is sonic is the glitchiest character and i dont remember the wario video name.
-There's no collision detection whatsoever.
-It's impossible to leave the floor.
-There's no laws of gravity; You can drive up a 90 degree angle with no change in speed.
-Other racers don't have AI and will never move.
-One of the levels won't even load.
-If, by some black magic, you lose, the game crashes because they didn't even program failure
I have to say, I enjoy glitches. Especialy the ones on LEGO™ Lord of The Rings for Wii.
Theres one where you can make Legolas [and any other "Tall" character] have ONE LEG! XD (I've written how to do this in my latest blog, so if you want, check it out)
ALSO, I didn't know HOW, but during a boss woth Lurtz, I was attacking him, my brother [Who was playing as Boromir at the time] blew the horn of Gondor, then, poof, Lurtz just froze, nothing else, just him, looking quite spazzed up. We couldn't hit him, couldn't move him, NOTHING. It was really funny XD
Go with a hunch, of a man, who's brain is fuled by LEMONS!
Red Dead Redemption apparently had some amazing glitches, including riding a donkey that had it's avatar messed up, so it looked like a lady. You could ride on her shoulders.
They had all of the fun glitches patched, though, apparently. Still a ridiculously fun game.
I'd link the vid, but I'm too lazy to find it and I forget if the guy showing cursed or anything.