Yes, she got it yesterday night at 11:33pm. If you want to support Hallie put your name on this thread and I will put you in a group. Please help our family and support Hallianne.
ó_ò That's not good... I'm going to pray for her... As much as me and my twin brother fight, I couldn't even imagine a world without him... I can only imagine how you feel.... I'm here if you need me for anything.
I love it when a plan comes together like buttcheeks.
Blizzard- What in the celery is wrong with you? Someone should smack you upside your inconsiderate, rude, ugly head. You're gonna tell a dying person to suck it up, huh? You're an EPIC fail. You say when you're dying, if someone tells you to suck it up, you wouldn't care. Ha. I don't think so, fail.
Halli- Best of wishes to you, did you know, if they caught it early, fatality ratings in kids are EXTREMELY low? Just some good news to cheer you up. :)
I... I'm not deep, or funny, or anything. I'm not even a good gamer. I HAVE NEVER PLAYED A LOZ GAME. I'm pretty plain.