By GuiedGui
12 May 2020 19:46
Category: Bug Report
When clicking on a notification for an event, it should disappear after navigating back to the home page. This is the case for shoutbox messages, but for virtually every other thing, the notification does not disappear. Ideally, this behavior should be consistent for all notifications.
I don't know how this could be accomplished, so I hope you untangle whatever backend spaghetti handles this behavior.
I looked for the Help Desk request that wanted blog comment notifications to teleport the user to the comment but I couldn't find it. Does it exist? I remember it being somewhere...
Hmm, how though? If you have blog comments, I presume the best behavior would be to remove them only as you click on them, not as you view them since that would be annoying to try to reconstruct all the notifs.
However, for this to have the best behavior, notifications should direct you to the comment itself.