Back in the early years of paint, receiving a ban was very effective in making a rule breaker stop. Most of the site's activity occurred in the chatrooms, bulletin boards and groups. Bans prevent users from participating in those three segments on the site. However, now that those portions of the site are hardly used, bans are hardly effective in dissuading a member from breaking another rule. I feel like bans need to reach farther than those three areas so users can actually feel obligated to take a timeout to think about what they've done.
Especially since now bans are being used as a stopgap tool to assess the identity of a user *cough* rose *cough, stopping interaction at all costs is tantamount.
I'm thinking something like how Roblox handles bans: whenever a banned user tries to log in, the website denies access until an "I acknowledge" is clicked after the ban has expired. Because right now, bans are doing nothing to deter troublemakers.