So, currently, in a chatroom, when a user hasn't said anything for a couple of minutes (not sure of the eact time), their username will be removed from the list at the top of standard chatrooms and the user counter for the chatroom icon will decrease. Makes sense.
However, with the /away command, the username will be removed, yet the user counter will stay the same until however much time has passed. I don't think this makes sense.
Many times, I've been in a chatroom with little activity, so I use /away to inform anyone who's afk or otherwise silent participants that I've left. Then, within a couple of minutes, someone else will see the "1", enter the chatroom, but be confused when they see no one in the chatroom. It's just kind of a mess.
What I'm proposing is that /away will remove that additional "1" (as in, increased from 0 to 1, 6 to 7 or however many) added by a user speaking. Hopefully that makes sense.