Lately I've had Download Images turned off on my DSi, because it makes pages load faster and pretty much never run out of memory (which is especially common nowadays with people using massive avatars beyond what DSiPaint is supposed to allow).
However, it can be difficult to read some webpages, such as the friend request list, as they use icons for accepting/denying friend requests, and they only show as "Image."
I'm not asking that every image on the site be given an alt text, but if it could at least be considered when modifying pages, that would be great.
Since members are using the community on a variety of devices, it may be worth looking at accessibility features in general. Alt text would be just one of several things to add.
And where it does exist, I think it should be more meaningful.
Figures, for example, have the alt text "thumb"... seems like instead, the alt text should be that text that goes along with each figure when uploading.
@UwUQueen changed the priority from Medium.
01 Aug 2024 02:19