On profiles, you have to wait a couple of minutes before commenting again. This is annoying, because sometimes I'll mistype an @, make a typo/spelling mistake that could be misinterpreted, or I forget a detail. I want to immediately correct that mistake, but I have to wait a bit before I can post again.
This doesn't stop me from posting my correction or whatever, it's just annoying.
I'm sure this was probably to prevent spam. But, administration can take care of that, and I'm pretty sure profiles are the only section of the site with this restriction.
Just for future reference, I spammed a profile with comments and every single one of them posted, so it's safe to say that there's no ratelimit in practice either
Before I implement this, it's probably a good idea to get the permission of the other admins that moderate profiles to see if they're alright with moderating slightly more comments.
Once you do that, I'll take this on.
@GuiedGui marked this request as resolved.
20 Jul 2024 21:03