By Mexican_man
29 Sep 2024 01:11
Category: New Feature
So I have been thinking what if you make a tag name like you can use @mexican_man to @mexi I think the person you are tagging can make their tag name that ppl can use
I am so sorry for taking so long to respond. I think that you should send I believe that you should send a notification to the owner about the nickname and the new person and disable the nickname I am pretty sure the person will not respond for some time so idk but I also believe that the nickname should be 3-5 letters long because it suppose to be short that was the main idea to make it easier to tag ppl. I see what can go wrong with the disabling the nickname part like ppl making acct to disable nick names but I am going to brainstorm about that because I got nothing rn and thx for taking you time again to read this