Rather than using my biography to decide if I'm a good person to talk to or not, please just comment on my profile, or private message me.
If you're going to message me, small talk is fine, but please give your messages purpose. I will almost always respond, but if the conversation is the most basic then it won't go anywhere.
Administrative history, started 8/29/18:
13/13, 8/29/18 - 8/30/18, from Arch_Enemy
3/13, 8/30/18 - 9/26/18 (Bulletin Boards, Polls, and Blogs), from Divine Crusader
4/13 9/26/18 - ?/??/19 (added Chats), from Divine Crusader
5/12, ?/??/19 - 2/26/19 (added Profiles), from Divine Crusader
6/12, 2/26/19 - 4/10/19 (added Terminator), from Divine Crusader
7/12, 4/10/19 - 7/27/19 (added Helpdesk), from Divine Crusader