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Comments for KylennR
07 Oct 2014 02:13
Ugh, call me tommorrow when you get home from school, I'm three episodes away from the season finale of The Walking Dead and it's getting intense. But we really do need to talk.
Actually, you should stop me from watching TWD like the good husband you are. Seriously, anything mildly creepy after dark gets me eyeing the sliding glass door like a nervous mole rat.
05 Oct 2014 19:47
You can call me right now. Or anytime today really. But the sooner the better so I don't have to clean my room. And just call cause it takes too long for me to check back on here.
05 Oct 2014 03:55
I was at a church thing. Since you're probably asleep just call me tommorrow.
Is it bad that I sort of like my ex boyfriend's best friend?
05 Oct 2014 00:02
In the bottom left picture he looks it.
04 Oct 2014 23:00
Come to think of it, Kirill looks sort of gay.
01 Oct 2014 00:58
Call me whenever. If someone other than me picks up you're Shane calling about yearbook though.
30 Sep 2014 02:06
Call me back
29 Sep 2014 23:28
Lol, I don't have anything to text you with. I wanted to have an old fashioned curl up on your bed with your fuzzy pink phone heart to heart with you. Wouldn't that have been fun? Ask your parents about that though.
And your typos make you sound Chinese, but I love you too. You should have come to Homecoming with me.
See, Blair and Chuck get married so I win.
29 Sep 2014 23:05
OHMYGOSH Can you make out of state calls? Give me your number so I can call you right now!!!!!
28 Sep 2014 18:15
Okay, long story short, I got a boyfriend, got a homecoming date, went out with said boyfriend for a week until I broke up with said boyfriend, lost my homecoming date, cried in English class(so embarrassing) because I got an F on an assignment because I was absent and no one told me it was due, and the teacher doesn't give extra credit AND it's a week before Quarter grades go down, and then at the dance hung out with my ex's best friend and then his other best friend after and does that make me some form of a bad person, because I don't give a rat's ass because at least he has friends. So then I went to bed at 2 and slept until 4 and then stayed up the whole night watching two seasons of Gossip Girl and then about an hour ago I decided to be bold and cut my hair and so it now looks like crack and oh, here we are in the present finally finishing this "short" story.
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