#!: I know you're in that mess
Please make it less
I hope I dont find you
Unless you want to die too
If you want a friend im the one to chose
But if you turn on me
Ops you lose
You will be free
#2: darts on the wall...
i cant wait to see them fall,
like the piano keys played,
while the guitar strums away,
make your life great they say,
it does not even matter...
when we all fall away.
#3: The cold nights,
the cold air, oh...
how I love it there,
that little place was the young now gone,
lay ther heads in the barn,
now a town was I was born in a carpenters place I laid,
gone but wide awake.
#4: dont die, unless you want to fly. dont mind me,
i want to be free.
look the other way, i am going to fly.
my my, look at the birds fly high.
#5:night night
look at the stars so bright
i wish to go back home
ware the grass growes
but the rocks down here
are not for me i fear
i want to go back
to my old town from the past