Male (Oblong face; Dark Olive Grey, leathery Skin; Advanced age shows some wrinkish features; Roman nose; a wide mouth with black lips; puffy cheeks; Very carved out face, as with any Etri. Thick build.)
Etri Lord Swordsmand
Blotched Blade
Dark Crimson; Buzzed and paved back. Large visible forehead. Hair brightens slightly as it reaches down sideburns to connect to a thick beard.
Eye: Perfectly white eyes with several yellow slits in the place of the iris.
Abilities: Light Manipulation; Ability to interact with Dark Matter; Electromagnetic manipulation; Rift-based warp; I/O Near Perfect efficiency; Superhuman strength; Tangibility Manipulation
Botched Blade ID:
The entire weapon is a full white. Only on the edges of the blade will there be any color, which is a medium-pale brown. Sometimes the weapon will gain a bright aura of various colors.
Length: 68 inches
Width: 15 inches
Height: 2.5 inches
Pommel: One single spike on the end of the Grip
Grip: Cylindrical
Cross-Guard: A gradual trapezoid that links the blade and grip
Double-edged; A spiked middle; serves as an expendable item for various abilites.
Golliad wears a very large silk-ish suit underneath a series of multiple, puzzle-fitted black metal slits. These covers his forearms, main body, pad various joints, upper thighs, slim around the neck, and make up large, dense combat boots. Several rims have a golden effect, where energy is attracted to his will.