Many of you would look at me and think "Oh hey, she's really happy go lucky" No, think that and die.
My past has made me something I don't want to be and I'm trying to fix it. So on that note, you wanna know about me? Okay!
My name is Tiffani, I'm 17 years old. I have respectable grammer, yes I do correct my self. I'm bisexual, I'm sorry if this upsets you. I work at Texas Road House nights and I live in Texas, I'm from Columbus,Ohio. I drive a 2009 Toyata Elantra. I have alot of friends and I'm a flirt. I'm southern so I say love n honey alot, please don't take it wrong. Smilies tend to annoy me. I like Fir and Bvb, don't like it then I'm sorry...
Anyway thats it for now, my hands cramping. Bye, loves!