WARNED. ALOT of Pikachu images used (x <3
Hello everyone ! Thanks for visting my profile ~ heres about me ....
Full Name: Anthony Trevino
Age: 12
Birthday: April 7
Race: Hispanic/Mexican
From: Texas
Lives: Texas
Sexual Interest: Male&Female? [:
Aww, poor kitty...
Well im just a typical kid who is shy around most people i dont know and strangers, But once i get to know you im sure we will be good friends.
I usually get along with people who are interested in anime or manga~ (; so all you otaku's out there YEAH. !
(FOR OTAKUS: i favor YAOI <3 LOL)
I have a 3DS so if you want my friend code: 4983-4970-6146. there ya go (: tell me if you added me so i can add you back, with your friend code too.
Anyways, thats pretty much about me that you need to on here thanks bye~
lol i love this.
iifreaking love you!!
byeee~ ;)
DONT make Pika cry OR ELSE. lol~