Hi! My name is Dylan I live in Superior, Colorado and am 14 years old. I am in 9th grade at a high school in Aurora. I am a Game Master on this site and love it. Anyway, I like Narwhals, Spotted Cuscusses and cows. Um... yeah that was random.I enjoy programming and am making a website just like this one, I can't tell you the domain yet 'cause I don't want anyone taking it before I do. (^�^) I also like blogging and here is my blog: http://dbsarticles.blogspot.com
Comment on my profile and I'll be sure to dedicate a game to you!
I like football, soccer, and fooling around alongside my bro, Collin or
c-bird on dsipaint.com
I have a dog named Castilleja but we call her Cassie for short. She is a 2 pound Mal-Shi and is very cute
My brother also has 2 guinea pigs named Amber and Trudy and they are awesome as well.
Thankyou for visiting my profile!!!