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Helloooo, This is my profile i guess:)
My Name's shanice, im 13 years old!
I live in the north of england
Some Things about me!
My Favourite......
Singer- Ed Sheeran! No doubt about it, his voice is amazing <3 I've also liked eminem since forever
Food- Pasta? i'm a fussy eater though...
Song- favourite song is stan but atm im into Work by iggy azelea
Tv Programme- Big brother, keeping up with the kardashians
Celebrity- Ashton Irwin out of the band 5 seconds of summer.
Cartoon- peter pan
Color- Pink, Purple & Blue
Time of the year- Winter, rather be to cold then to hot
Lesson- Heath and social
Sweet- Anything Containing Chocolate ahahha
Okay, interested in why im a belieber (im not obsessed though, this was from a long time ago)
Click hereto view my bieber blog!
Or check out me thanking my dsipaint friends Here (check if you're included!)-old 4th december 2011
Contact me!
Message: Add me on here, i will accept asap,
Twitter: shanicebryan i will follow you back just ask x
Thats it, nice short profile! For anything else, contact me (: