Keeping it beast since ever!
My favorite character is luigi, i love to skate (im a skater as in skateboarder), love to play sports, love nintendo games, grew up with mario and sonic, and i like to have fun...........oh yeah im also a christian (write a comment for jesus), i play the Eb alto saxophone, and i am very, very, smart (but remember i can skateboard so i dont really look like a nerd or a geek). Add me as a friend and send me an email if u want my facebook. One more thing about me.....I KNOW MMA/UFC! No for real i do, no joke.
Friends (~) and cool people:
-$ Big Money $
-Dark Phenom
~darktroop6 (first friend on sdk!)
-Devine Crusader
~ Firestar (whoop fire, hes awesome)
~Happybunnypop (well im not sure about this one.....hmmmmmm)
~HullBreach 「hes awesome, met him on my opera :)」
~i.go.grrr (who dose'nt)
~Javier (you are awesome bro)
~Jose da mast (javiers bro)
~KazeKami (he is my christian bro)
~LIGHTS (hmmm)
~Lord Zeus (work on your ssbb skillz)
~Luxis 123
~Mariah (my mommy)
~MissGiGi (hehehe gigi)
~Monkey (ooh ooh ah ah)
~nixodemus1 (nixo!)
~princess Z (the one and only)
~Rockerchick133 (keep on struming)
~SavantInamorata (The only Inamorata)
~Skunkman (Mrs.Skunk's husband...jk lol)
~smiley1 /Mrs.Smilez :)/
~Tee-Hee (awesome)
~Trevon 2.0 (Overload)
~Twiizer (the twiized)
~twinkle (twinkle little star)
And more 2 come (ill add more people when i get the time to; i ran out of room on my dsi)
Friend codes
Wii fc: 2600-8047-0895-3409
Ssbb fc: 2836-4897-9321
Conduit fc: 0732-6762-1186
Band Hero fc: u need my wii fc
I also like pie.
Key message for humanity
God is humanitys only hope :)
One saying to live off by: