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My rp creature, u wouldnt understand unless ur calem
Sakomei, Fire elf
Read my blog,Nebulus...and eventually youll get the true description.
Meesha Wayward-Nebulus
Meesha is the mother of Flint and Joada. She also accomponies Flint on his journey in Nebulus. She is stern but kind and would sacrafice without hesitation to save her family.
Joada Wayward-Nebulus
The younger brother of Flint, Joada was happy, annoying, but overall Flint's favorite brother on Soak-Gige. He travels with Flint on his journey in Nebulus.
Johnny Dollar from CRT
Johnny Dollar was a detective radio show from the 40's. It centered on Mr.Dollar here, a mercenary detective that dealt with crimes ranging from fraud to murder. A couple of other good radio shows are Gunsmoke(also a show), Superman(1940), and The International Secret Police. All of these and more can be found @classicradiotheater.com, for anyone interested.
Flint Wayward
In my new book Nebulus, Flint is the main character. Flint used to be a happy guy but after tragic incidents, he became brooding. Hes merciful in battle, but he only gives you one chance at life. Beware, if he decides to kill you, it will be in a way that's full of pain.
Me #2
This is more accurate. i am wearing a wifebeater(hate that name so much) blue jeans, and a black Adiddas hat. im also wearing my blue and black Nike high tops.
Suraki Hamariche
The offspring of Satan and an arch angel, Surake takes after his father. He is fair in a fight but is as violent as possible when he can be.Due to his angelic heritage, Surake is incapable of telling lies, but is a master of twisting the truth into something else entirely. He is fair but shows no mercy. He despises his parents and defies them in any way possible as a hobby.
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