
Snake Lady

CAUTION CAUTION!! The Lady in the Image is very dangerous she is a risk to America she's a big time criminal she's mostly known for being an undercover librarian and once the library is closed she goes out and poision's people with her snake ..

Super Powers:-Can lazer people with her fierce eyes,-Read People's minds,-Fly,-Invisibility,

Weakness-Loud Noises , when she hears Loud Noises her snake gets a big headache which means she has no super powers thats why she work at a library

If you see her please call 1800-We-Find-Criminals

Avatar Bigboff
at 01 Oct 2010 14:55
i cant see my coment and also kayla roleplay as her with me please!!!
Avatar Tamagotchi
at 01 Oct 2010 14:10
Avatar Bigboff
at 01 Oct 2010 14:08
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