I know I'll get flamed by all the teenage fangirls out there for bashing this pitiful series, but keep in mind this is MY personal opinion and nobody will change my mind.
and now for the 5 reasons of why I hate Twilight.
1: the fanbase. If thousands of screaming girls waiting in line to get autographs from edward wasn't bad enough, imagine them streaming into the internet. If you are on a chat site, and you say ANYTHING bad about twilight, chances are somebody will flame you and threaten you. (yes, it has happened to me.)
3:Ruining the awesome image of monsters. It's halloween. thousands of lycanthropes and vampires are out to make you one of them or to kill you. NOT TO TAKE THEIR SHIRTS OFF AND SHOW THEIR ABS IN EVERY SCENE. I'll never wear a vampire or werewolf costume again.
4:The pointless story. Who in their right mind would make a love story between a fearsome beasts who's thousands of years old and a 15-18 year old girl?
5:The terrible movie quality. It's like that movie's budget was less than a penny. Cheap special effects are easily spotted, and the only thing keeping the fanbase up is topless men.
I'd say Twilight is more for teenage girls. In my opinion, the movies aren't so bad. And i'm a boy, and I like the Twilght movies. Who cares if a boy who likes Twilight? At least they aren't as cheap and boring as the Saw films (those movies completely suck and they are pointless.) Also, the special effects aren't so bad neither. Two really low - budget movies are the Saw series and The Night of the Living Dead. And, what do you expect? There drama and romance movies. You can't just expect heads blowing, gore and stuff just because there are vampires and werewolves in the movie. Besides, the Twilight movies aren't low budget. They spend a lot of money doing the movies. Who freaking cares if the vampires sparkle in the sun? It's the opposite of the other vampire movies. The director's imagination is bigger than other directors and people. The first thing other directors think about vampires and werewolves is blood and gore. Clearly, this one didn't, which is a good thing.
Also, Edward (the vampire), isn't a thousand years old. He's about 118 years old. Aso Jacob (the werewolf) isn't a thousand years old neither. He's about the same age as the vampire.
Also, who cares if girls like topless men? That's what girls are attracted to.
And, you don't even know how to spot a cheap special effect if it hit you in the head. No offense meant, by the way.
↓ The books doesn't suck. The movies are practically the books and there unlike other romance books. Oh, and the author isn't a moron (that is, if that's what you meant.) Also, the Twilight movies are done quickly because the actors and the director doesn't waste time unlike other directors and actors.
other reasons it's dumb
Edward's a pedo
So is Jacob
The van didn't hit bella
Bella's way too angsty
The author's famous for writing books that took 6 months to write, same amount of time the movies took lol. no wonder the books+movies suck
The author's mormon.
Kerma pretty much speaks for all Twilight haters. Which is a good thing. Because whenever I tell my lady friends I don't want to discuss Twilight because I hate it, they always say, "You're just jealous of Taylor Lautner"
1 If you don't like something keep it to yourself, Who cares if they have a favorite something or someone.
2 Its a change to the theory that vampires cant go into sunlight. (Like if its not real already..)
3 Its a teen fiction romance. what do you expect. But im glad you know your facts ( proving you have seen some part of the movies trailers ecx. )giving the book writer some credit.
4 Some one who is now making a huge profit off a dream she had one night and decided to finish it, by writing it down and publishing it as a book and now a top box office movie.
5 Cheaper it is the more profit they are making. ( It s never cheap to make any movie BTW.)