Fav. games: Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Nintendogs, Scribblenauts, and Metroid Prime Hunters.
Personality: I'm usually calm, only rarely depressed or angry. I stand up for my friends, like a normal person should. Does not get affected by insults . I got my friends such as tanner (my twin) Nema, SuperSilver, and Zigany. I usually become friends with almost everyone in the chatroom so I guess that's a good thing, you can never have too many friends right? I am very random, so you can't really expect what I'm gonna say. THIS IS SPARTAAAAAA! for example.
My favorite faces are :3 XD :」o3o
I was known as tanman65, but I got hacked and banned. If you don't belive me, oh well, not my problem. I love to program games, and I belive I'm kind of talented at it. Speaking of programming games, I recently finished programming Boxbro Wars, and I'm starting Boxman Land. I haz a website, in case you were wondering, boxbrogames.webs.com be sure to check it out. I also am an ocarina maker,and am going to start selling soon