After so many comments on my 'Psychic Abilities Defined' blog, I came back to an idea that struck me when I was composing that original blog. What would YOU, the SDK world think about a blog series surrounding the topic of paranormal/psychic phenomena? This is something I've always been passionate about, paranormal/psychic phenomena is a topic that is so misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT use only 10% of your brain. You actually use 100% of your brain. Each part of your brain has a different action. Your brain is broken into sections, each section providing a different function: breathing, emotion, moving, muscle function, talking, etc. It's widely believed that everyone in this world has that opportunity to unlock some abilities in there mind if they concentrate & relax their mind to the extend needed. Many people say to this, how is that possible? Why is it easier for some, not for others? Well, for some people, that already have that ability, that part of their mind is already unlocked. It's already relaxed to the extent needed. They don't, for some reason, need to do any other mental work to access their ability, though 95% of they time, they DO need to do mental work to HONE their ability. If I do a series on Psychic/Paranormal Phenomena, it will explain all this & more in hopes to unlock some mysteries that surround both topics. As with all my serious series, I will be open to topic series ideas. If you like the idea, or do NOT like the idea, please leave a comment telling me yes or no & telling me WHY.
NOTE: Leave a reason as to whether you do or do NOT want the series, if you do not leave a legitimate reason, then I will ignore your comment, or worse, I will erase it all together.
I think this is an interesting and very engaging idea for a story.I would definetely read this series as I find the paranormal and psychic abilities very interesting.
I think it'd be great for anyone whos just learning about their psychic talent. I have been able to communicate with animals through my mind, although I have no idea how I have that ability
yes! so many people these day are so doubtful of these abilities. it would be nice for you to prove to the SDK world that powers like these are real and proven.
I would love if you did that... i already adore things in the psychic/paranormal things, but just a warning, be careful what you say about your self... i dont care what they say people or the govt get into these things...... and people