Alright, another Blog-Related rant. Ready? Set... GO.
Morning people. Have you ever weiiten an absolutely craptastic Blog, and gotten a lot of flaming for it? Or perhaps you wrote about a controversial Topic, and someone proved you wrong? So, how many of you have deleted that comment... Well... BAD YOU PEOPLE.
Look, when you Blog, you accept risks. One 'risk' being that not everyone is XxEmoMemberxX will kiss up to you and agree. So, when you delete the comment, it's essentially like punching someone because they proved you wrong: It means you can't think of something intelligent to retort with, or you can't accept wrongness. Honestly, what's the big deal? Being called out on being wrong is beneficial! If I quoted some Politician incorrectly, I'd want to be corrected! I'd even thank them, possibly! But deleting it because you believe in ABC and they XYZ? That's just immature and weak. If you can't take heat, don't Blog! "Oh, but it's MY Blog! I can do whatever!" You CAN, but why be immature and not accept the facts? Why not better yourself and accept it?
I for one never delete a comment, unless asked. And I've only been asked ONCE. Otherwise, nothing phases me. I also respect that people spend a good chunk of time detailing their debate, too!
In essence, my point is that if you're going to Blog, don't cry and whine because someone proved you wrong, or pointed out a flaw.
People can give the most ignorant or whiny comments on the planet, and I will leave them alone. Once the comments become personal attacks, they go bye-bye. If the author of the original blog is the one making the vicious attacks, I may even delete the blog itself.
I delete comments when they're particularly vicious. People work hard on their blogs & don't want vicious comments & stuff like "FAIL" on their blog comments. If you put your gripe &/or correction, that will be fine.