I knew the other children were disturbed. They never talked to me or anybody else, and they walked around like they were partially unconscious. I really wanted to know why. I wanted to know what had happened to the children I had once grown up with. I knew many of them, but when I called their names they did not respond at all. One day I decided to ask Mary-Sue.
“Mary-Sue, what in the world is going on with them?” I curiously asked her one night.
“What on earth do you mean, dear? Them?” she asked bewildered.
“The other children. What is wrong with them?” I asked again.
“They may be different, but you shall NOT speak about them in that tone, young lady.” she reprimanded me.
“I am sorry. What I meant to ask is, why do they never speak? And why do they scurry around all the time?” I clarified my question.
“Dear, even I do not have that answer. The children are just troubled. I believe that is why all of this peculiar behavior has started.” she answered my question.
“But what is troubled them?” I asked.
“I wish I knew, my dear. I wish I knew.” she responded.
That was the only conversation we had on the matter. I wanted to know more, but Mary-Sue claimed she had already told me everything she knew about their quirky behavior. I had my suspicions that she knew more and just did not want me to know.
Mary-Sue was my own private tutor. It was quite fun actually. I am not usually a fan of school, but we always finish early since I was the only student. The others could not attend any classes. How can you attend class if you cannot speak or respond when spoken to? Mary-sue told me, again, that the others had special career classes in the basement I was forbidden to enter. I had to wait until I was thirteen. I really hate waiting.
My day had finally come. On my thirteenth birthday, Mary-Sue told me I needed to be fitted for a special celebration dress. There was always a big celebration whenever someone turned thirteen. They have a special dinner with Mary-Sue and the other workers. Then they get to choose their career path to study.
Mary-Sue had given me a gold colored key. It went to the basement. She told me to go to the basement at seven that night, no earlier, no later. I was really excited. I would finally be able to help the others with their problems. It slipped my mind that I had always heard screaming coming from the basement. I wish I had remembered.
At exactly seven that night I opened the heavy, cracked wood door that lead to the basement. I felt on the wall for a switch. When I finally found it I flipped it up. A small dim light bulb came on instantaneously. As I started down the stairs, I realized there was a nasty film of dust on the handrail. Disgustedly, I wiped my hand off on my jeans. It appeared as if no one had been down here in years, but I had seen them all use these stairs throughout the day.
When I got to the bottom, I saw that there was only one door. It must lead to the Career Room. There was a small bench outside, so I decided to take a seat and wait for Mary-Sue. There was a deep growling noise coming from behind me. I passed it off as the heat turning on, but something was extremely unsettling about it. I thought I heard someone talking. Like they were calling my name.
“Sally, come closer. We want you and only you.” I thought I heard.
It sent chills down my spine. My gut said bolt, but my mind said stay. I told myself I was just imagining things. I really wished I had listened to my gut.