Rlad116 is responsible for the epicness of this profile.
"SkaterGirl13 is a girl who is 14. She is also a skater. She uses the Internet sometimes. Other times, she does not." -HullBreach
"You're a good person. We're not the bestest of friends, but I think you're cool. Better than half the people here." -Fancy Pants
"h3llo 1m sc8r grl lul ad me 1m kul ya hahahahaha
m8k m3 admin 1m kull" -AlicE1fromdsihub
"Kirsten is alive, she is a very strong christian, she is also my friend, hurt her mentally or physically, I will gladly mentally mess with your brain." -rlad116
�If I get to chose 1 word to describe SkaterGirl13 it will be "Skater Girl"...wait...that's 2 words...� -Darkgon45
"sk8rgurl is a rly smexy gurl an she cn twerk evne betr thn lazrwulf but not as gud as me but she is stil rly cul n funny but dnt d8 her cuz shes mine kthnxbai" -Nilloc Skywalker
If you see one of my Saviis and like it, let me know. I'll sell it to you.