I started breathing faster. The voice sounded so real. The deep growl of the heat continued in my ear. I continued to wait for Mary-Sue. It was already fifteen minutes past seven. Where is she, I asked myself.
“Where is she? She’s never late. I hope something hasn’t gone wrong?” I asked out loud.
Just then the dim light cut out.
“Ahhh!” I screamed. “Calm down. The light was bound to go out. Just look at how old it was.” I told myself.
I heard a creaking noise coming from my right. I turned and saw that the career door was now slightly ajar.
“What the hell?” I yelled.
In an instant something leaped out of the darkness and grabbed me. The light coming from a small basement window slightly lit up its ghoulish looking face. It kept a firm grip and dragged me into the career room.
“Let me go! Mary-Sue! Help” I pleaded.
We were now in the career room. It was quite large. The monster’s claws kept digging into my flesh. Trepidation coursed through my veins.
“Ahhhh!” I screamed again. Only to have my screams extinguished my the hand of the monster.
I looked up and almost fainted.
“Ahhh!” I screamed.
The monster was wearing Mary-Sue’s necklace! The monster must have done something with her!
“Ahhh! You killed Mary-Sue!” I shouted.
I looked into the monster’s eyes and realized that my statement was false. The monster was Mary-Sue! Mary-Sue covered my mouth with a wet cloth, and I dozed off.
Upon awakening, I realized I was strapped to a freezing cold, metal table. The kind they have at the vet. Mary-sue poured a green liquid into my mouth. It tasted like rot and burned my throat.
“Do not worry, my dear. You will be fine. The change is lengthy, and you will need to be strapped to the table until it is complete. Everyone goes through the change! It is now part of your life! You will feel much better when it is over! Trust me!” She tried to sooth me.
The change was lengthy indeed. I stayed strapped to the table for an entire month. That was the only good part of my experience. Three times a day Mary-Sue would force me to drink the liquid. If I refused it she would hit and scratch me until I drank it.
“No! Get off!” I screamed once when Mary-Sue gave me the liquid. “Let me out of here you vile beast!” I shouted at her.
“Now, now! There is no need to be feisty! Just drink it, my dear!” She coaxed me.
“No!” I shouted and pushed he scaly hand away.
“Drink it!” She screeched in my ear. She scratched her sharp claws against my, and jammed my mouth open and made me.
That was the last time I made that mistake.
When the transformation was complete, thick, scaly skin had grown over my own. I grew think, razor sharp claws from my fingers and toes. My eyes were fire and my blood was ice. I had to be trained to turn back into a human. When we are human, none of our monstrous features show, but occasionally the fiery eyes stays. They usually go away after a few days.
It’s really not so bad. I can change back into a human whenever I want. That is, if I am not working. We all have to work every night. We go into the Nightmare Realm, and scare you. When I am not working, I like to walk around. I do not look like my original human state. That is a security measure we must take to make sure that no one who knew us can ever recognize us again.
I am writing this letter to warn you. You are going to The Woodside Group next year. The only way to avoid it is to never go to the basement. When Mary-Sue tells you to go down there, do not listen to her! It will be the death of you. Mary-Sue has decided that out group has enough monsters, and that any more will be food for her pet dragon. Stay away from that basement door please!
P.S. After you receive this burn it, or else Mary-Sue will feed you to the dragon earlier than expected! Do not say I did not warn you!