I am going to tell you a little story about a twelve year old boy who would do anything to get revenge. You may have heard of it if you live in the woods.
Every summer, Freddy’s parents would send him to his Grandpa’s farm. He hated it there. It smelled bad, and it wasn’t because of the manure. It was his cousin, Blake, who was three years older than him. Blake was repulsive and showered once a week. He had to be forced to do even that. He only wore two outfits, even though he had an entire wardrobe of untouched clothing. Those outfits were green and blue cotton shirts and shorts. He also had to be reminded to change them. It was always hot at his Grandpa’s, so Blake’s clothes were constantly drenched in sweat.
Not only was Blake repulsive, but he was extremely lazy too. Whenever Freddy asked him to help feed the chickens he would whine and complain. That was an easy job too! A six year old could do it easily! All Blake wanted to do was play video games, watch mindless television, and eat piles and piles of junk food. Since he wouldn’t help, Freddy had to do all of the work. He worked from dusk to dawn. Then he’d get in trouble for watching television at around eight. His Grandpa would shoo him out of the house and make do even more work. While he was working his butt off, Blake would be watching more a movie that Grandpa had put on and eating dessert. Freddy hated being treated like crap, while his cousin got the royal treatment. His Grandpa treated Blake like a royal king, but Freddy considered him a royal pain.
One year, Freddy’s parents decided to send him to his Grandpa’s for the school year. His father had too many important business trips that year, so they figured it would be easier if he stayed there. They also figured it would give him time to bond with Blake. Blake stayed there year round. They were wrong. Blake was a jerk, and it’s kinda hard to bond with someone like that.
Ever since Freddy got there, Blake pranked him. Blake tripped him, pushed him, and jumped out from behind closed doors making Freddy almost faint. He even put buckets of slop on top of doors, so that when Freddy opened them they fell on him. Blake even broke into Freddy’s school locker. He put a bucket of fish guts on the top shelf; God knows where he got them from. When Freddy open his lockets, he got covered in them. School was twelve miles from Grandpa’s, so going home and changing was not an option. Ever since then, the kids at school called him Freddy Fish Guts.
One day Freddy decided he was going to get him back. He knew exactly how to do it. He saw which way Blake walked home after school, and he followed him one day. He walked through the woods, and over an old river. Freddy was still following him when Blake crossed over the river. He ran up behind him and hoisted him into the air. He was surprisingly light considering the fact that he sat around eating junk food all day. He threw him over the edge of the bridge and into the river below. It was a short drop down to the river. He knew he’d pay but didn’t really care.
He heard a deafening crack, but no splash. Curiously, he went to the edge and peered over. To his dismay, he saw that the river was dried up, and Blake was just lying there. He was surrounded by a pool of blood, and he wasn’t moving. He figured the police would think he had slipped or something, so he ran off.
The next day, as Freddy was walking home from school, he checked the dried up river. Blake was gone. Freddy figured he had gone home, so he slowly continued on his way. He kept feeling that someone was following him, but when he turned around no one was there.
When he came to a clearing, he heard a noise. He whirled around and saw Blake. His face was mangled and looked as if something had eaten him. Freddy saw rage in his eyes. He spun around and tried to outrun Blake, but he was too slow.
Later on, the Police found Freddy’s body in the dried up river. He was mutilated just as Blake had been. Blake had gone missing. Police never found Blake’s body. If you walk through the woods, you may see Blake. Stay away from rivers, or Blake might force you to join him!
20 May 2013 01:16
In reply to FancyPants
I don't think anyone does! He's so vile!
20 May 2013 01:39
In reply to atreyufan1500
Exactly. Blake probably deserved to be thrown out there. I already know he was a lazy dumbass, because he had to tick Freddy off, die, then come back to life before he could actually kill Freddy.
20 May 2013 01:41
In reply to FancyPants