Fracking, also known as shale gas drilling has been going on in Pennsylvania and other states for quite some time. I am not a fan of it. I believe it causes many health problems for the environment and families. I have seen videos of people lighting a match or lighter next to a running faucet and having it ignite. I also believe that when gas companies frack it causes pollution of our drinking water.
That is not why I am writing this. I am writing about a family who signed a contract between three gas companies legally binding their entire family from discussing fracking. I believe this is an infringement on our freedom of speech. The gas companies only care about money which is why they would’ve initiated such a contract. They obviously do not want anyone who is opposed to fracking to talk about the downside of it for fear of losing business.
This contract really does not make any sense. You cannot force someone to not talk about something. If it is against the constitution then it shall be illegal. Yet there are gas companies who have families sign these contracts.
Children should not be involved in such a contract. In fact, no one should. We should all be allowed to talk about whatever controversial issue we please. Just because some company is afraid of people not wanting their business because of what someone says does not mean they should be allowed to force someone into silence.
Considering my dad is in the oil industry, I think fracking is fine. It's part of the process somewhere right before or right after the part of the process my dad does(wirelining).
Non-disclosure agreements are common in both the corporate and legal realms. They are in no way violating the US Constitution because government legislation is out of the picture.
07 Aug 2013 21:02
In reply to HullBreach
But is is still fair that children, who often speak their minds, can get in trouble if they discuss this or develop opinion against the gas companies?
08 Aug 2013 00:12
In reply to atreyufan1500
If the parents agreed to it, as the legal guardians of the children, then it is fair.
08 Aug 2013 00:16
In reply to HullBreach
I do agree with the fact that they're the guardians, but the article also states that this may be lifelong. When they turn 18 they're parents are no longer their guardians.