I honestly cannot believe the swearing that is coming from the youngest people on here. i swear, some of these people are 10 years old, and they drop the f-bomb like it's nothing. When I was 10 everybody said, "Oi!" when you said ass, damn or hell. Parents really need to watch what their children are saying online. These kids swear in their blogs, on the chatrooms, and they make horrendous comments on each other’s profiles.
It's not just on here. I see this happening on practically EVERY mobiles website for DSi and 3DS. On some of the websites nothing is down at all for f-bomb bypasses, and I am NOT talking about DSiPad. The perpetrators are not even children. They are teens that you think would know better because you've seen them act mature. This is seriously ridiculous.
These people will honestly find out the hard way about their choice of language online when they cannot get jobs anywhere. Yes, social media can and will stab you in the back if you do not wise up about how you use it. It is not a joke at all, but many people push it off as if it were. Well don't come crying to the rest of us when you get perma’d or worse, jobless.
Many of you have been warned, and this goes for everyone anywhere online. They've showed specials on shows such as Dr. Phil about what can happen if you do not wise up about the internet. If you continue to use it poorly you will rue your choices. I know many people online use social media respectably, and I am grateful for that, but for those who don't you may want to change. Preferably sooner than later for your own benefit.
I don't really see the problem with cuss words. They themselves don't really say anything that's offensive (most of them anyway), unlike, say, the N-word. Their purpose really is just to express something forcefully. The real problem tends to be people's overreaction to them, wherein they seem to give the words magical properties.
Exactly?! WHOEVER DECIDED THAT THOSE CERTAIN WORDS WERE BAD?! Especially when synonyms meaning the same thing are okay.
15 Aug 2013 23:15
In reply to Skittles
It depends on where you use them. If you drop the f-bomb on sites like this, where younger children can go on then it's bad. I just meant people need to be careful about what they post on public social media, like FB because employers are strict and don't want a bad rep for what an employee posted.
Sad fact, that's the same problem the internet has had for ages. Once you become anonymous you tend to behave in a way which you wouldn't do irl.
And the point about Dr Phil program.. It's biased, you have a population who by choose to attend that program to publicise the 'problem' they have (many cases) where people that you meet day in and out would react completely differently if they are cursing and what not in the Internet.
You're forgetting that the demographic is usually at the lower end of the spectrum, you will get 12/13 year olds cursing like no tommorow but wouldn't dare say a word like that to parents so wouldn't go as far as saying 'jobless'.
14 Aug 2013 01:03
In reply to Divine Crusader
Well I meant the one episode where they were discussing people uploading highly inappropriate pictures to Facebook.
I know you are targeting me that's just low really low I agree but wow.
Just cuz we swear on the internet DOE'S NOT MEAN WE SWEAR IN REAL LIFE. -.- Tsk Tsk
19 Aug 2013 22:34
In reply to Stanford6686
That doesn't make it any better.
I heard a quote (No idea who said it) saying:
"You can find anybody on the Internet. You're just not trying hard enough."