I love music, and when I saw my brother come home with Rolling Stones Drum King I was really happy. I thought finally a music video game I could play. I couldn't play Guitar Hero or Rock Band. They just never worked out.
When I started the game up, I familiarized myself with the basic controls. In this game, instead of having a mock drum set to jam on, you tilt the Wii remote and Nunchuck up and down. That's really all you have to do on the easiest setting, which is what I played on. You have the choice to set it to automatic. If you don't you can also hit the A button. You only have to tilt the remote slightly. The first day I played I made the mistake of tilting it too roughly got really bad pains in my elbows.
Compared to other music games this one is quite lacking. Tilting remotes is not as fun as playing on an drum set. The quality of the songs are also lacking. They are all poor covers. The other music games used covers in the beginning, but they were actually decent covers. Whenever you play a note it sounds horrible.
The graphics aren't any better. All you get is a drumset in front of you. The drummer doesn't look like a drummer people would actually look up to.
The gameplay is horrible as well. When you tilt the remotes it often doesn't register. Music games are better with mock instruments.
This game was actually called We Rock: Drum King in the UK, but it was renamed Rolling Stone: Drum King in the US. Probably so people would think it was good if The Rolling Stones had something to do with it. In my opinion they didn't have much to do with it on account of the fact that every song is a poor quality cover.
I'd give this game maybe 1 star, and that's being generous. If you really love music and music related games just get Guitar Hero, Band Hero, or Rock Band.
I enjoy this game a lot! I am horrible at doing the other band games mentioned above, but I'm fairly good at Rolling Stones: Drum King. By the way, you said the remote often won't register. I had the same problem with my remote and nunchuck(spell fail?). I figured out what was wrong, though. Any off-brand controls don't register well to that game, but the Wii brand controls register pretty well. If you're using an off-brand controller, I suggest buying the Wii brand instead.
18 Aug 2013 02:21
In reply to SkaterGirl13
I still don't like it, and I suck at the other music games. The songs just don't sound very good.
18 Aug 2013 02:24
In reply to atreyufan1500
I find it fun since I'm horrible at any other band game.
18 Aug 2013 02:26
In reply to SkaterGirl13
Try Rock Band Unplugged for PSP if you have one or any Guitar Hero on DS, I never played them though.
18 Aug 2013 02:30
In reply to atreyufan1500
I tried a Rock Band game for the DS, but I still sucked at it(like I do with most games) because I have horrible reaction time. Like in Halo, an enemy will run across the screen, and I don't shoot until they've been off for awhile. My reaction time sucks.
18 Aug 2013 02:32
In reply to SkaterGirl13
Rock Band has DS games? Since when?
18 Aug 2013 02:36
In reply to atreyufan1500
Not sure. My friend has it, though. You basically pick your song, then easy, medium, or hard, then start. From there, you start on the guitar play line(like in all the band games), but you can press the L or R button to switch what line your playing on. Each line is a different instrument. It's a great game, but I suck at it.