Haters are everywhere. You can't really get rid of them. They keep coming back. Their only purpose in life; hating everything you do and everything about you. They don't care as long as they hate. It's what they do.
People think haters are just gonna disappear. I laugh at that. For crying out loud they've been around since history. John Wilkes Booth was probably the biggest hater of all time. He couldn't see through idiocracy what was right, so when good old Abe decided to change things he got all butthurt and flipped the table on him. Ok, ok, of course it didn't go down exactly like that, but you get what I mean.
You're not gonna get rid of haters. More are being created each and every day. It's like a cycle. You can't break it.
Here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna deal with 'em. You're gonna live your life around them. You can't go forward in life if all you think about is the haters. You'll just get farther behind from where you want to be. What you gotta to is laugh your ass off when someone hates on you because whatever they say, it ain't true unless you decide it is. All they care about is hating. So, whenever someone hates on you just laugh. It doesn't even have to be out loud. You can laugh in your head. Just laugh. It works. Imagine them in the most embarrassing situations. Imagine that they came to school in a pink bunny costume and laugh.
The next thing you're gonna do is look in the mirror several times a day. Tell very positive things to yourself. Tell yourself "I am awesome, and I will do awesome things." It's true.
One last thing, write yourself positive notes. Message yourself and say you're amazing. It will work.
Just remember, haters gonna hate. It's what they do.
Oh, you know I look in the mirror all day long. Normally I don't talk though. I will usually just flip my lucious hair while listening to some good dub.