Every law was created for a reason. Someone did something. Even the most ridiculous of laws have reasons behind them.
Some laws are just messed up. In Paulding, Ohio it is LEGAL for a police officer to bite a dog in order to quiet. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?!
I'd bite it if it was a hotdog! Yum!
Shut up, Alpaca! This is my blog!
Ok. Jeez.
In Massachusetts the state law says that all dogs must have their hind legs tied for the month of April. No way in Hell is that happening. I'm hoping that is an April fool's joke.
In Pennsylvania it's illegal to sing in the bathtub. Ugh. Who comes up with this crap?!
La la la do do di do da! I'm an amazing singer!
Gowai, Alpaca!
Speaking of bathtubs, it's illegal to have one in your home in Virginia. What the hell? Well I guess you can still shower, but still.
Yay! No more baths!
Alpaca, we live in Pennsylvania. You're still taking a bath.
Darn it!
Ok, kids, don't forget to leave your giraffes at home. That's right. If you live in Georgia it's illegal to tie one up to a street lamp.
What's it say about alpacas?
Nothing. NOW GO AWAY!
Fine. Meanie.
Now where were we? Ah. Feed your horse before you take it out please. We really don't need horses munching on our fire hydrants. If you live in Iowa, that is illegal.
It's take your elephant to work day. Don't forget to bring some money. That's right. In Florida, if you tie your elephant to a parking meter you must pay the fee for it.
Your pets are not allowed to smoke in Zion, Illinois. It's illegal to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, or other domesticated animals such as monkeys. We all probably remember Mr. Teeny. He smoked cigars. Who the hell actually does this in real life?!
In Oklahoma it is illegal to take a bite out of someone's hamburger. That's just common courtesy.
Don't you be bitin' my hamburger!
Alpaca, you don't even eat those.
Still. Don't be bitin' it.
In Rochester, Michigan anyone who is wearing a bathing suit in public must have it inspected by a police officer. That's just messed up.
Seriously, Alpaca?!
Most states probably ignore these laws. Usually it just happened one time. I just wanted to humor you a bit!
Visit this site to find more wacky laws for your state!
In the SDK Community, it is illegal to repeatedly mention "alpaca" in a blog, since it is an alloy of white brass used to fake sterling silver in jewelry. Instead, you must use precious metals clichés, like "pan out" and "silver spoon" - even if they don't pan out in context.
27 Sep 2013 02:56
In reply to HullBreach