My parents always said I had an over active imgination. I always had "imaginary friends". But they weren't. They were as real as real can get. No one could see them but me. They seemed very real. I'd tell my mom and dad to set another spot at the table because I invited a friend to dinner. They got all excited.
"Finally Aydin is making friends.", they'd whisper.
When no one showed they were very puzzled. They got angry when I started feeding my friend. I'd claim that he had injured his hands or something. They got pissed and sent me to my room when the food fell on the white seat cushion.
That was many years ago. Whenever I invite a friend over they get angry. They told me to stop playing games and get real friends. They've grounded me several times. Always for things I didn't even do. My friend once broke a window, and I got grounded all summer for it. I hated it. I had once loved these friends, but as I got older I grew to resent them. I could not get them to leave, so I had to deal with them.
These friends would tell me to do things. Things I didn't want to do. Bad things. They told me to release a bunch of lab rats in the science room. At first I ignored them. But it was almost as if they had forced me. I opened the cages, and they all ran out. I got a whole week of out of school suspension for it.
One friend whispered to me in the night. I thought it was a dream, but when it continued in the morning I realized it was not. Then I thought I was still dreaming, or I was too tired and was half dreaming. I pulled the covers over me. I heard it again.
"Bring me Angela. Bring her to me."
"Who is Angela?" I replied out loud.
"Angela Rivers. Bring her to me soon.", the whisper replied.
I knew better than to get my parents involved in the whisper part, but I could ask them about Angela Rivers. So I did just that.
"Mom, Dad, do either of you know an Angela Rivers?" I asked at breakfast. We were having waffles.
"No, son." Mom said.
"I haven't a clue. Never heard the name before. Aydin, why do you ask? What're you up to?", my dad asked suspiciously.
"Oh nothing. I just heard the name around. I thought maybe she was a celebrity or something".
"Well I must be going.", my dad said. He left for work.
"Okay, Aydin. I'm going to leave for work. You have no school. It's an in-service day. You had better behave yourself, young man. Do you understand me?", she asked
"Yeah! I'll behave!", I sincerely replied.
"That's what you always say, Aydin." she said.
"I promise!", I exclaimed.
"Okay." she said.
As soon as my mom left I hopped on the computer in the den. I typed "Angela Rivers" in the Google, the popular search engine. Unfortunately, I didn't find any information.
I shut down the computer and sat there for a while thinking. I almost jumped out of my skin when I realized who Angela Rivers could be.
"THE NEW NEIGHBORS!", I practically screamed. I remembered seeing the name 'Rivers' on their mailbox. They just moved in a few days earlier.
The whisper came back.
"Bring me the girl. Bring her now while you've got the chance!", the whisper told me.
My body walked into the kitchen and threw cookies on a plate. It walked over to their house and rang the doorbell. The whisper friend made me do it. I didn't want to.
They let us in, the whisper and me. Mrs. Rivers introduced herself. We sat down on the couch as Mrs. Rivers went into the kitchen.
A little girl toddled in. She had ghostly blond hair and blue eyes. I felt something come out of me. I could swear the girl's eye's changed from blue to silver and back to blue again.
After that day the whispers and imaginary friends stopped. My behavior got better. Very strange things started happening. Animals went missing. A dog here. A cat there. Even cows. Everyone blamed the little girl, Angela. Her parents didn't believe them, and they stopped. I knew it was her, but not really her. It was her body, but the whisper did it.
I couldn't get near her. A force always pushed me back. As the strange behavior started to worsen, all I could do was sit there.
Until one day the whisper got bored. It came back home. I was happy once again. Being in controll of the weird behavior once again felt amazing.