It seems some things are tracked incorrectly. For example, bulletin board threads: timeline only shows your own created threads and accounts for every post in them. It should be doing all one's own posts in any thread, right? This might apply elsewhere similarly, not too sure.
I like it! Although, doesn't the timeline sort of make the [private] setting for your activities useless?
20 May 2014 02:58
In reply to SkaterGirl13
The answer to that is [private].
20 May 2014 11:26
In reply to HullBreach
I'm sad to say the [private] option isn't working. I can still the timeline of several people with the [private] setting on.
20 May 2014 11:39
In reply to SkaterGirl13
I could probably tie in privacy in some way, but I made sure that the timelines only showed publicly posted content for privacy reasons, anyways. So, I left out messages send and receive, group shouts, etc.
20 May 2014 11:40
In reply to HullBreach
Oooh. Okay.
20 May 2014 03:01
In reply to HullBreach