Below are the locations and techniques that I tend to use for EV training in the Gen 3-8 games, and while I unfortunately can't yet provide any useful information about EV training in Sword/Shield since I don't yet have a Switch, some or all of the information about EV training locations in Gen 3 Kanto and Gen 4 Sinnoh may also apply to Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee's Kanto and Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl's Sinnoh respectively.
(They take place in the same regions, after all.)
Of course, if you know anyone IRL who also has copies of Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (or have multiple Gen 3 Hoenn games yourself, and a 2nd GBA), you can take advantage of the Secret Base trick mentioned on this Serebii page to help make EV training significantly easier, although I suspect that most of y'all wouldn't actually be able to do that.
(I mean, how many people even still have GBAs?)
Speed: Magikarp caught by using the Old Rod at almost any body of water in Hoenn. [/Spoiler]
[Spoiler=Gen 3 Kanto (FireRed/LeafGreen)]Like Gen 3 Hoenn, EV training in Gen 3 Kanto is a PITN (for the same reasons), and so it is best to get your EVs to 100 by using vitamin supplements before you actually start working on them IMO, which in turn means that you will probably want to use your Vs. Seeker to battle Trainers like person on place, in order to earn lots of money for buying them.
(And don't forget to use your Amulet Coin, as well as Pay Day.)
Since there are plenty of places to grow Berries in Sinnoh, growing hundreds of EV reducing Berries such as Pomeg and Tamato shouldn't be that difficult to do, with a little time and effort.
Speaking of which, if you're interested in earning money in Sinnoh, you can just repeatedly battle Gentleman Jeremy and Socialite Reina on Route 212 with your Vs. Seeker, and you can even work on your Attack and Sp. Attack EVs at the same time.
(Gentleman Jeremy's Chatot gives 2 Attack EVs, and Socialite Reina's Roselia gives 2 Sp. Attack EVs.)
Anyway, these are my preferred EV training locations in Sinnoh:
[Spoiler=Gen 4 Johto (HeartGold/SoulSilver)]Just like in Gen 4 Sinnoh, EV training is pretty easy in Gen 4 Johto.
Although it is harder to grow massive numbers of Berries in Johto (due to only being able to grow up to 4 at a time in your Berry Pots), pretty much everything else I said about EV training in Gen 4 Sinnoh (above) still applies in the Johto remakes, including that Exp. splitting technique.
It is worth noting that by adjusting the DS's internal clock to be between 10:00 and 20:00 on Tuesday, you can repeatedly battle Gentleman Alfred in the Lighthouse, who not only pays out a large amount of money (which can be doubled by using an Amulet Coin), but whose Noctowl also gives 2 EVs in HP upon being defeated, making it possible to work on HP EVs and earn massive amounts of money at the same time.
The Secret Base trick from Gen 3 Hoenn technically still works, but it isn't really worth it IMO, although defeating a Secret Base Trainer with 3 Level 100 Arceus (and a Level thingy in their Base) can gives a MASSIVE amount of Exp. Points, especially when combined with the effects of Lucky Eggs, the Exp. Point Power, and the Exp. Share.
As for working on EVs in Secret Bases, I would recommend using the "do some exercise" skill that certain types of Secret Pals have, as it gives 30 EVs in a stat of your choice with each use, doesn't give any Exp. Points, can be used twice daily (once you have the Platinum Flag) per Secret Pal with the skill, all of which make it an easier (but slower) way of working on EVs than both horde battles and Super Training.
Anyway, these are the best EV training locations in Gen 6 Hoenn, and each of these hordes has a 100% chance of appearing when Sweet Scent or Honey is used at these particular locations:
HP: Hordes of [A=A=]Whismur[/A] in Rusturf Tunnel.
Attack: Hordes of [A=A=]Shuppet[/A] in Mt. Pyre.
Defense: Hordes of [A=A=]Sandshrew[/A] on Route 111.
Sp. Attack: Hordes of [A=A=]Oddish[/A] on Route 119.
Sp. Defense: Hordes of [A=A=]Swablu[/A] on Route 115.
Speed: Hordes of [A=A=]Zubat[/A] in Meteor Falls.[/Spoiler]
[Spoiler=Gen 7 Alola (Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)]I am currently still working on my EV guide for the Gen 7 Alola games.[/Spoiler]
[Spoiler=Gen 8 Sinnoh (Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)]The following locations are the ones that I use for EV training in the Gen 4 Sinnoh games, and are more than likely good locations to work on EVs in the Gen 8 Sinnoh remakes, as well: