In my town, school, and house Prank Week (starting Feb. 20th) is about to let its wrath be known again. We usually hold it April 1st but due to vacation plans its being held early this year. And without having my annual "prank tank" (a think tank for pranks) I dont have any good prank ideas to do with my Nerd Herd! x) So I need YOU to help me think of ANYTHING!!!!!!
The rules of PW are simple:
1. Any prank that may harm ANYONE cannot and WILL NOT be counted as a prank!
2. If you are pranked you are out of the game for 24 hours 3. Any tampering with someone elses prank [such as warning the victim] is counted as cheating and will be treated as such
4. Have fun because almost ANYTHING goes
Anyone and everyone is welcome to give ideas. It doesnt matter who you get them from! Me and my Nerd Herd apressiate any pranks given...
ANaiya, Cassy, Marlena, Adam, Austin, Izzak, Michelle, Stephany, Lydia, CJ, Lane, and all Deshler students!!!!
Go to somebodys house and wrap everything, Refrigerator, things in the fridge, couch, EVERYTHING, and when they come home it will take them forever to unwrap it all.
Mine are very simple and they suck not too much...(I'll post them one by one)
1.Have a chicken nugget box from McDonalds and cut the bottom and try to give it to someone and put your hand through the hole.
So at they mall they have those gumball machines, right? Well, grab a sheet of paper, write "FREE GUMBALL DAY! TURN CRANK TWICE!" then tape the sign on the machine. Then, watch people try and get free gumballs.
Step: 1: put a rubber band around the handle of the sink sprayer (it's usually next to the faucet) and tie the rubber band around it so the handle is held down.
Step: 2: point the sprayer at yourself.
Step 3: go away, and wait for someone to turn on the faucet.
Result? The person will be sprayed mercilessly with water.