Ok I belive a lot of people prefer chess over checkers because its more "simple". I don't belive in this and have recently joined a chess club. It was very fun and I want others to enjoy it. You will need:
•A chess/checkers board
•Chess pieces (8 pawns per side -smallest pieces, 2 rooks per side -castle like things-, 1 king per side -guy with cross on top-, 1 queen per side -has a thing that resemples a crowd on top- 2 knights per side -they have horsies o3o- 2 Bishops per side -Looks like its head is being eaten by a bell e.o-
Ok now your have your supplies I'll tell you how to set your board. Each player has twol lines. The back line (closest to u) has from left to right: Rook, Knight, Bishop, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook Then your next line up is full with your pawns.
Pawns: A pawn must always start first. You may move it 1 or 2 spaces up on its first turn. After that it can move 1 space only. It can only attack an opponent's piece diagnaly 1 space to the left or right. A pawn when made to the end of your opponents field can be exchanged for any game piece your opponent has killed.
Rook: Can go forward or to the left or right as many spaces at a time as it wants (unless it hits an opponents piece then it stops).
Bishop: Can move diagnally until it hits an opponents piece (but you cant keep going if u get to the side of the board)
Knight: The knight may move 2 spaces of an opposite color then over 1 left or right. (moves resemble a L)
Queen: The queen may move as far as desired in any UNBLOCKED direction.
King: The king can move 1 space in any direction but never to a space where an enemy can kill it. ( I dont reccomend moving this it could result in check.)
A player must put their opponents king in check. Check is when you cannot move your king without being killed. After you do this your opponent is in check-mate and losses. YOU ARE THE WINNER!
A) Castling: A special move that allows the player to move 2 spaces at a time. The king and Rook are the only pieces allowed to castle. The king moves 2 spaces to the left or right and the rook on the opposite side must follow it. It switches to the space right next to the king on the opposite side of the king it was on before.
I hope you all have a great time playing chess. Its really not that complicated and is very fun once you get used to it. Ok guy and gals bye!
Castling is never neccasarily good. If you don't move a pawn up, you can let your opponent win by backrank mate. I never castle, and I win by moving my Rook/Queen to my opponent's last row.
Pawns can be any piece they want to be when they get to the other side, not just pieces you've lost.
I'm pretty sure pawns don't ALWAYS have to start. I've started many a game with my knight
Playing for 6 years now, I'm a pretty decent Chess player. I can think about 4 moves ahead.
As a chess addict, I have to admit this is pretty good. You even explained castling.
Addict no.2 right here.
Simongray: The queen always goes on her colour square, and the first checkmate is possible in 2 moves. It is known as Fool's Mate.
In chess, think 10 moves ahead. I spent ten hours in my room with three chess sets, so i've had time to perfect chess, and i've never lost a game since.
In chess, think 10 moves ahead. I spent ten hours in my room with three chess sets, so i've had time to perfect chess, and i've never lost a game since.