By Star Shadow
POSTED: 29 Jun 2016 03:57
BUMPED: 21 Sep 2019 17:54
CATEGORY: This Community
FEATURED: Yes (Thi500)
(Go to comments)
Another spike in short blogs from a couple members so I'm bringing this out. Again. This is the 3rd time now it's bumped.
As some of you have probably seen, featured blogs almost died again. I advise everyone to bump their older featured blogs. While some of you will do that, there are some of you that may choose to make a brand new one. However, Anyways I have seen a few blogs that tried to get featured but are not feature worthy. Most of the time I don't decline these blogs and let the others decline it but why aren't they featured worthy?
The common reason why: they're short blogs. These blogs are about 10 sentences long and 1 paragraph big. This is unacceptable to be featured. So, how do I make a feature worthy blog? I'll show you.
•Length: Like I said, the most common reason why a blog doesn't get featured is because of length. We want something that's at least 7 paragraphs big and at least 5 sentences for each paragraph. We want something that will at least take us about 5 minutes to read (assuming you're fairly literate with a reading speed of an average young adult). I'm probably going to look like a hypocrite with this paragraph but there are other factors that can make a blog feature worthy.
I understand that this could be an issue for users on the DSi. Banjo and I have suggested to HullBreach to add some kind of multi-text box feature, similar to the DSi Library. We're hoping HullBreach resolve this issue soon.
•Purpose and Details: Okay, we get length down but if you're going to spam 7 paragraphs of nonsense, then I'm gonna have to ask you not to feature your blog. Another key point of a featured blog is details.What is the point of the blog? What message are you trying to tell us? Don't skimp out of details. Be very descriptive of your details. Tell us everything you know about the subject you're telling us. I also advise adding pictures if possible. One of the reasons why I don't like to read books is because the lack of pictures. How do I know what the author was imagining is the same as what I'm imagining? Let me give you an example by describing what a Tauren looks like using nothing but words. A Tauren looks like a brown brawny anthropomorphic humanoid cow that stands on 2 hooves with a horse-like neck with a bull-like face.
This is a Tauren.
If you imagine the Tauren anything else than the picture above, then you understand why pictures are sometimes important. Not only that, describing with just words alone and with too much details to process, I could have lost your interest. The point is, it's easier to use a picture to visually describe something than just using words alone. I guess that's why they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
•Simplify (or dumb down as some would say it): Details are nice but too much details is a bad thing. It can leave your readers confused and lost. What you want to do is minimize amount of words it takes to explain your subject. Short and brief in otherwords. Try to make a brief summary of your details as best as possible. Try not to add any unnecessary details. Just tell the most important parts of it. Also, assume your reader doesn't know anything about the subject at all. Ask yourself what would be the best way to describe your subject without overwhelming them with too much details. For example, how do you explain what this website is about to someone who has never heard of Paint? You could say it's a social gaming website intended for Nintendo gaming systems. The point is, try to make your details brief and simple as possible that anyone, even those who don't know about the subject will understand.
•Spelling and Grammar: Yes, this is important too. Nobody with a fairly intellectual mind would want to read a sloppy blog with bad spelling and terrible grammar. If u goin 2 type liek dis, I'm just going to not feature your blog and let the others decline it. If your spelling and grammar is so bad, I suggest you get off the phone, stop talking in text speak and emoji so much, and play a damn RPG. Most RPGs like Pokemon, Zelda, WoW, etc have dialogues with perfect, if not near perfect, grammar. This is how and why I don't use text speak. I've played too much RPGs and that I never really had people to text to. Plus, it made me look more intelligent speaking in near perfect grammar. Point is, proofread that blog before you get it featured.
•Consistency: This is one of the more advanced topics of a making a feature worthy blog: Consistency. What do I mean by that? When I mean consistency, I mean the logic and reasoning behind the blog makes sense. If there are points that conflict with one another, it creates inconsistency. I could say that I want to take away everyone's guns but I could also say we need guns to protect ourselves because criminals don't care about the law. This is an example of an inconsistency. Why would I want to disarm people if I know taking away everyone's guns doesn't mean criminal will not be able to have guns. Criminals can still find a way to obtain guns even if guns are illegalized. (By the way, I'm mostly liberal but I do understand the logic that disarming people won't keep guns away from criminals). Anyway, the point is not to make inconsistencies with your logic and reasoning when writing a blog. Double check that your points don't conflict with one another.
Just follow these things above and I will likely feature your blog. Make it as if you were writing an essay. Yes, that's right. Make your blogs as if you were writing an essay. You think your English class is a waste of time? Nope. Your English class is trying to teach you how to make an elaborate, comprehensive, and a well thought out piece of work. If you want to show the world that you have more brain cells than the average person, then show us (this community) that you can make a feature worthy blog. I'll be waiting for your next work.
Edit (9/21/2019):
I should mention there is currently an issue among blogmins on what blogs should be featured. I have asked HullBreach a few times already to make some kind of blog standard for each blog category. Until then, we apologize for any inconveniences as a result of the issue.
- We'll start to offer more constructive feedback to blogs as they get rejected - Permitting the reason for rejection isn't glaringly obvious
- The platform hardware limit isn't be-all end-all for blog rejection. Just note that it'll be harder to push quality with lack of words. But quality will always matter most.
- Feel free to reach out to me if you have any issues with your blogs.
13 Feb 2020 09:52
In reply to Divine Crusader
I have an issue with the rejection of the following blog:
BTW, because all 5 of the previous blogs in the series violated that taboo (meaning giving advice for Monotype Teams), and they were featured regardless, IMHO, that sets a certain precedent.
Thanks in advance!
22 Sep 2019 04:46
In reply to Divine Crusader
What would you think of a mandatory decline reason?
although one thing i need to add, blogmins like Asparagus and I have been in this field for a long time and can tell the difference between someone who's passionate of their work and someone who opened the blog composer for ten minutes.
this aint the old times anymore, people. the people want creativity and we're doing out best to give it to you
I typically reach my 2DS's text limit on all of my Blogs, although there have been a few exceptions.
(Like my Battle with Dedode, which wasn't featured, simply because the Blog was too short.)
Here is the fucking problem with this though, is that we get a ton of blogs that don't fit these criteria that still get published. Look at Kin No Kokoro's recent blog, which was intentionally poorly made, shorter than a gnat's dick, and had no point, and yet it was featured by Thi500 because it parodies his recent blog.
So what is it? Are we only featuring blogs we like now or are we going to be obnective and feature blogs that are worthy of it? Because TNL is not at all even close to the only guy who does this, and yet we get like a featured blog or two a month that is nothing but BS that was written in a minute.
Yes yes, I do agree with this. Though I may be a hypocrite (look at some of my blogs and you will know why !), I have only made those blogs to show my opinion or explain what have I done for the past. Few. Years
Anyway, this blog. I like it. I see some comments disproving this. But, it's all on opinions! But, in my opinion, this is the truth. Five sentences and seven paragraphs, it's good! I mean, unless some people are just trolling and not intending a blog they made to get featured, or a short review (if the person can't think of what else to say), those requirements should be followed!
You're going on about good grammar and saying "I've played too much RPGs"? Shame on you.
A correct version of that would be "I've played RPGs too much."
Jokes / patronisation aside, this is a brilliant set of guidelines; +1.
I considered that during the 10 minutes I spent on the comment, lol, but it depends on the context.
That would indeed be correct if she had been playing loads of different RPGs, but if Star just spent weeks on end playing one or two RPGs, it wouldn't fit. ("Way too many RPGs? You only played two!")