You can also use the same Legendaries allowed at those different "Battle" places I mentioned above, although you aren't allowed to Mega Evolve them, either.
Also, you can't use Aegislash in this Tier, because it can switch between having REALLY high defensive Stats, and REALLY high offensive Stats just by using the Move King's Shield.
Oh, and to all of the Competitive Players who Downvoted this Blog:
I'd like to apologize for being so standoffish, and to remind you that the original reason I made this Blog was for Beginning and Casual Players, who may have not understood the 1st Blog.
I'll stick to my own extremely simple two tier system. Anything Goes and Mega Rayquaza's bitches.
On a serious note, I'll stick with Smogon's tier system. Sure, you claim to be a competitive battler but that's nothing compared to the collective experience of thousands of players on Showdown or people in VGCs. Smogon's tier system isn't perfect but it's been tested and evaluated by thousands of people with a ranking system to further validate the viability of the Pokemon they use. Not only that, it's the most widely accepted tier system in the competitive scene. I doubt you'll ever make your own personal tier work. Plus, your tier naming system is more confusing than Smogon's.
30 Jun 2019 01:22
In reply to Star Shadow
I hear you're the best player here, with the possible exception of Luisjo.
I'm NOT a Competitive Player, unfortunately.
I'm just a really old Player, who's really competitive, that's all.
And I've all but given up on those who reject my System.
Obviously, we'll have to agree to disagree.
My only concern is that Casual Players, and New Players give it a chance, not Competitive Players who just aren't going to be convinced.
If you would (and are able to) like to Battle sometime, I'd appreciate it.
And if you want to know why I'm not a Competitive Player, ask Mimi or Banjo.
I have a pretty sucky real life.
"You aren't allowed to use Dittos that have the Ability Imposter, because they are too powerful, as well. "
I thought Imposter and Transform were functionally identical to each other, with the only difference being that transform is used as a move whereas Imposter activates upon being switched in. Is there something I'm missing about Imposter?
29 Jun 2019 04:22
In reply to IblisFlare
No, you're right.
Basically, it's just because Imposter works immediately, without the need to use a Move.
If I didn't place them in a higher Tier, then regular Dittos would kinda be at a disadvantage.
I'm not sure about that particular Rule, BTW, and I'm probably going to change it.
Yeah, but then you lose the flexibility of Transform, which lets you choose your target in doubles/triples whereas Imposter just takes the one directly across from Ditto.
I still think Angela's probably the best, though. She probably just didn't get as many Votes because too many people were jealous of that awesome Palkia Avatar of hers, lol!
(Seriously, that one's even cooler than mine!)
It's not constantly trying to achieve the inevitably impossible goal of perfect balance, which is always going to be affected by the ingenuity (or lack thereof) of the Competitive Players who use said System.
29 Jun 2019 04:35
In reply to IblisFlare
Welp, tiers only mean anything once you put it into test. That way you get to know what Pokemon overcentralize the metagame. For example Greninja or Aegislash, they look like any "powerful tier" Pokemon, but thanks to their flexible movesets, abilities and right items they can easily take over the tier, to the point that every team needs a Greninja and Aegislash to even compete.
To basing Tiering on what people (even if it's Competitive Players) are smart enough to know how to use properly is ridiculous IMHO, and I for one believe it should be based on more objective factors, rather than things like popularity.
It's not about popularity, those things are based on win rates people have with said Pokemon. Personally I think that these problems are inherent of tier system. You know, like banning certain Pokemon from a tier means that another Pokemon becomes stronger in that tier and so on etc
To me, neither Aegislash, nor Protean Greninja (which is what I assume you were referring to) seem all that OP, and in fact I've taken them both out with Mega Sharpedo quite often.
(Remember: Type-Matchups still play a role, too, lol!)