These games also were the first to give you the ability to have your own "Secret Base", which you can customize with a wide area of different furnishings.
They also added my favorite Field Move of all: Dive.
While you can't start out with a Pikachu like Ash did (you need Yellow Version for that, which has a VC version available in the eShop, for the 3DS), you can still catch one, and you even get to meet some of the same people Ash did in the anime.
(Like Misty and Brock, although they're a lot different in the games.)
These improved upon the classic Gen 1 games in countless ways, including by adding the ability to play a girl.
(Which is nice, if you find it annoying being forced to play male characters all the time.)
They also added things unavailable in the original GBA games, such as the Union Room (where you can Battle, Trade, and Chat with nearby players), and a special Game Corner with multiplayer mini-games.
(Both of which require the GBA's Wireless Adapter, though.)
In Emerald, you fight against both Team Aqua and Team Magma, and can (eventually) catch both Groudon and Kyogre.
It has many of the same features that were added in FR/LG, but also adds a few more.
There are new battling facilities in this game, including new "Battle Tents" (which were fun, IMO), as well as everyone's favorite: The Battle Frontier.
(Complete with Move Tutors.)
As for Ruby/Sapphire, they're mostly just for if you REALLY want these Dress-up Backdrops in the Gen 4 Games, and don't mind missing out on the extra stuff you'd get in Emerald:
Of course, there are benefits to having Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green, too.
(All of those require a DS system with a GBA Cartridge slot to obtain, though, in addition to the correct GBA game.)
Anyway, I hope y'all found this useful and/or interesting!
If I have to introduce someone to the franchise I make them play FRLG. Cause it's the most accesible game (can be emulated on any device with a screen) and it has the 150 original pokemon everyone knows, so they'll feel related.
I just want to say:
I accdentaly hit the downvote on this, and caused the 3rd downvote. I reloaded and upd but the dvotes are still on 3
If a mod sees this please fix!
Personally, I think it's interesting to Battle using the pre-Gen 4 Battle Mechanics sometimes, as it's WAY different in the newer games.
(And both me and my Sister or both fans of those Hoenn Game Corners, lol!)
That means if I can find my old GBC and GB games, that I could at least play them on my GBA! (Although it'll be almost as hard finding them as at would be to find my GB, lol!)
I wrote it to help others who are interested in the subject.
(And there are others interested in this.)
And IMO, you should have more respect for the decisions of your fellow Blogmins.
(And based upon what Angela said in this blog, it is "feature-worthy".)