BTW, is that Arctozolt being dropped from PU to NU?
I mean, I'll have to look it up again (I don't have Gen 8 yet, BTW), but it certainly didn't seem like it should be in the lowest Tier of anything to me.
(Is it really weaker than Clefairy?)
I don't remember saying that Ferroseed can stop Water-Type Silvally. Those two Pokemon are from different tiers (PU and NU) anyways lol And remember if a Pokemn has only 1 counter it means its OP and should be banned, but thats not the case with Water Silvally.
Ah yes I remember, still maybe thats why Silvally Water is a tier above Ferroseed now. Nothing changes that other Silvally can be stopped by many other Pokemon in PU anyways
IDK what Smogon classifies it as (it's HT in my System), but it can OHKO just about anything (especially since it's got that Mold Breaker Ability), and if we applied that same overly simplistic logic to it, you'd think it be up in Anything Goes with Rayquaza, lol! (I'm going to assume that it isn't, though.)
"IDK what Smogon classifies it as (it's HT in my System), but it can OHKO just about anything (especially since it's got that Mold Breaker Ability)" Except it doesnt OHKOs everything
While a Choice Scarf is able to patch up Rampardos's middling Speed, it still fails to outspeed faster threats like Lycanroc, Alolan Persian, Floatzel, and other Choice Scarf users like Primeape and Kabutops. Furthermore, Rampardos's primary attack, Head Smash, racks up recoil damage fairly easily, which further hinders its longevity. Rampardos is also pretty susceptible to priority moves like Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, which aren't too uncommon to come across in PU.
That's great, I couldn't have done that better myself, lol!
Now, can you explain to me why Galarian Farfetch'd is classified the same as Virizion, when most of what you said (except for the bit about Recoil Damage, which would only apply to Brave Bird) applies to Galarian Farfetch'd, as well?
(Virizion has 53 higher base Speed than Galarian Farfetch'd, which I personally think is a pretty big deal.)
And I already know about the First Impression thing (including that it's Priority 2), if that has something to do with it.
(Seems like a rather weak argument to me, though.)
maybe because Farfetch'd is to good for a lower tier and Virizion not good enough for a higher tier so they have to exist in the same tier, where in fact Farfetch'd can put a decent battle against Virizion.
You know, that's the first thing I've heard here that actually makes sense, lol!
It doesn't mean that they're equals, or even anywhere near equal, but simply that Farfetch'd was deemed too good for NU at some point (although I have no idea how it wound up in UU), and that Virizion was deemed unworthy to be in UU.
Now, I can disagree with that, but since the terms OU, UU, RU, NU, and PU mean nothing to me (because I don't understand what they truly are, except for in relation to one another), that explanation will have to suffice until I get a more complete picture of Smogon's Tiering System.
(IDK how I'll be able to do that with this lousy 2DS Browser of mine, though.)
I’m just gonna answer your one question, in that the new farfetch’d is a MENACE with that leek lmaoo. It is an RNG crit machine that’s why. Here is some DAMAGE CALC results i just ran.
-Farfetch can OHKO virizion with non STAB brave bird/ and 55power acrobatics.
-A first impression crit you can deal 83% of Virizions HP, and with a choice band no crit you can deal 63% of virizions HP.
-Meaning virizion is 2 hit KO’d by a NON-STAB first impression from a farfetch’d.
-close combat OHKO’s virizion on both sets too.
You know, this argument reminds me of how @Dedode was trying to convince me that a Water-type Silvally can be stopped by a Ferroseed, which (as I proved with the Moveset I show in my Comment below) isn't the case.
That Water-type Silvally could 1HKO a Sassy Ferroseed with max Sp. Def and HP (assuming it isn't holding an Occa Berry or an Assault Vest, anyway), and while what you say there is true, you're overlooking a plethora of different factors, much like how Dedode did with his Anti-Silvally arguments.
I know all too well that that 100% Crit rate thing is impressive (by combining the Stick with a high Crit Move, I mean), but this doesn't change Farfetch'd 's pathetically low Stats, including it's low HP (39 points lower than Virizion's), Def (17 points lower than Virizion's), Sp. Def (67 points lower than Virizion's), and Speed (53 points lower than Virizion's).
Yes, even a lowly Farfetch'd (Galarian or otherwise) can potentially 1HKO a Virizion, but it's ability to do so is contingent upon many variables (including on Virizion's end), and the opposite is also true, and Virizion can 1HKO a Galarian Farfetch'd with a number of different Moves as well, including Close Combat, Focus Blast, Zen Headbutt, Bounce, and Air Slash, depending upon certain variables as well.
And before you mention Eviolite, bear in mind that you would be giving up the primary reason to waste your time using a Farfetch'd in the first place: the Stick.
(Not to mention that a Choice Band on Virizion would essentially negate this effect.)
Overall, Virizion is WAY stronger than Galarian Farfetch'd, and while your (and Smogon's) analysis is interesting, it's looking at it from a rather narrow-minded perspective, rather than taking into account all of the relevant facts.
I was hoping I didn’t need to explain the obvious to you.
#1 First impression has priority
#2 Exactly it’s typing gives it a disadvantage that makes it low tier.
#3 Literally close combat is on there. If you are looking for a non flying type move that OHKO’s.
#4 you are being hypocritical, so now you are judging it solely on BSTs?
#5 Grass and fighting has 6 weaknesses and 6 resistances. It’s not special, it’s average.
“That doesn’t change the fact that it has low statsâ€
So you really do just care about the stats huh? No individualism. Cool.
You're the one speaking in generalities, and (unfortunately) playing fast and loose with the facts again.
I did kinda blow off the First Impression thing, but unless I'm overlooking something here, couldn't that be avoided by using Protect on the first Turn?
(First Impression is a pretty flawed Move from my standpoint, which is why I typically try to avoid using it.)
And I heard what you said about Close Combat (although I didn't verify it yet), just as I assume you heard how Virizion can do the EXACT same thing to Farfetch'd using the same Move, lol!
And I am looking at Farfetch'd as an individual (although I'm also looking at Virizion as one), and I'm not really seeing a lot to justify placing Farfetch'd in anything higher than NT in my System, and the only arguments against Virizion being in such a high Tier in my System all revolve around it being a Grass/Fighting-type, lol! (So much for individualism.)
And I had REALLY hoped I wouldn't have to explain this to you, but the Grass/Fighting combination can be a good thing, as can Virizion's particular Stat Build, and I'll explain a little bit of this.
First of all, things have changed since Gen 5 when it was introduced, and there are now a number of things (Grassy Terrain being the most obvious) that a Grass-type can take advantage of.
Being a pure Fighting-type, Farfetch'd isn't really immune to anything, it only get's STAB on Fighting-type Moves, it's Movepool is OK, but not that great, and it has low Stats on top of all of that.
(It's not just about BSTs and Status, it's about common sense.)
That's like saying "Non evolved Sneasel OHKO's Garchomp that's all you need to say lmao."
Yes, under certain circumstances that's true, but it's overlooking countless things, much like what you just did with your statement about Farfetch'd and Virizion.
BTW, regular old Farfetch'd can OHKO Virizion, too, so have they always been thought of as equals, even prior to Gen 8?
(I mean, Farfetch'd has been around since Gen 1, y'know…
BTW, I kinda came up with this on the fly (I usually use Dragin-type Silvally when I use Silvally at all, myself), but tell me what you think of a Silvally with this build:
Silvally @ Water Memory
EVs: 6 HP / 252SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
-Ice Beam
In my mind, one of Silvally strongest traits (much like Arceus, and Mew) is it's diversity, and since Water is one of the best Types (looking at it from a safety oriented perspective), I think that this would be a pretty good Moveset for one.
(Although I normally would prefer to go with a Mixed Moveset, TBH.)
I'd also show you one of my Wishiwashi Movesets too, but there's actually a chance that I may bring one to one of my Tournaments, so I'd rather not.
(I can't share everything with my opponents, lol!)
But I'm pretty sure even that Moveset I came up with by looking at it's Gen 8 Movepool for 5 minutes blows away the best one in the world for a Clefairy, lol!
hum its to simple, I bet there are better special sweepers in its tier
idk much about it but i found out that silvally makes for a good hazard control in lower tiers
Well, that's a nice Silvally to be sure, but the whole point was to show a build for a Water-type Silvally, since that's what was shown in the Picture.
(IDK if Fairy-type Silvally is even in the same Tier or not.)
Still, that's certainly an interesting Silvally, and it confirms a few things about how Competitive Players think.
(Such as their soft spot for the Move Defog, for example.)
Should I try to come up with a Mixed Build for one? Or perhaps a Physically oriented one? Or maybe something more along the lines of a Wall, or a Tank?
(It's Stats are pretty well rounded, after all.)
The Wishiwashi thing gets me on a personal level, BTW, as it's not only one of my favorite Water-types, but (based upon my non-Competitive Battling experience in Festival Plaza) it's quite powerful, too.
I actually gave some thought about bumping it down to HT (simply because of it's dependency on it's Ability for it's high Stats), but anything close to NT (where Clefairy is in my System) just seems ridiculous, IMO.
(I have Wishiwashi's Solo Form in NT, though.)
Well you dont see those restrctions in the original games online battles simply because there isn't a 6vs6 format ranked system. Smogon took that task and tried to balance things out with the players. That's how they realized that you can abuse evasion moves, 1HKOS, Trapping abilities and Batton Pass. The result is a fairly well balanced format with plenty of viable Pokemon to choose. Of course nothing is perfect, some battles take up more than a hundred turns due to the infamous Stall teams, that can't just be banned. Maybe that's why game freak doesn't use that format for competitions anymore. Doubles is where its at.
Yeah, you're certainly right about nothing being perfect, which is why I'm not even trying to be.
When I first made my System, I basically just drew some lines in the sand (metaphorically speaking), to separate REALLY powerful ones from weaker ones.
I didn't want to deviate too far from my beloved 2 Tier System (which is why it's essentially just expanding on it, even now), and the best way of improving upon it (without contradicting it in some way) seemed to be going based off of BSTs, and Evolutionary status.
I made certain adjustments that (without getting too long-winded) could easily be explained to a Casual Player, without me having to use a bunch of confusing terms, or make a bunch of out of the blue assumptions about my opponent.
(Which is how I feel when Competitive Players try to explain things to me, BTW.)
I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to be perfect, and I know you’ve received backlash in the past, but I just want to say stop trying to dunk on smogons tier list though. It’s kind of just unnecessary at this point. It’s fine, but don’t say things like “this is BETTER†like I get it’s your opinion, but it’s just beating a dead horse now.
If I didn't believe it to be the case, I wouldn't be saying it, and I actually intend to prove it.
While I was away, the idea occurred to me to have a Rematch with @Dedode , where he goes by my Tiering System, and I go by Smogon's.
I'll need to try to figure out which Tiers in my System are the rough equivalents of the Tiers in Smogon's, but after I do this (which is something you could help me with, BTW), I intend on doing so.
(Assuming Dedode's willing to as well, anyway.)
If I'm right in my assessment of Smogon's System (and their Rulesets), it shouldn't be hard for me to take advantage of their usage based Tiering System and win, whereas if y'all are right about my System, it should be easy for Dedode to take advantage of mine, especially considering that he won't have any restrictions prohibiting him from using Evasion Moves, OHKO Moves, Baton Pass, etc.
Does that sound like a reasonable method of comparing my System to Smogon's to you?