This video of a battle between Angela and Waffle was presented as an example of why such moves shouldn't be used in battles against skilled human opponents, and the things that happened (and perhaps more importantly, the things that didn't happen) during the battle in that video will be the subject of this blog.
If you can't play the YouTube video of the battle in your browser, don't worry, as I will explain most of what happens in it (or at least in the first few turns) throughout the course of this blog.
This is a pretty good moveset for a Regirock, and Angela's moveset is actually very similar to this one that I saw available for use in the Battle Agency the other day:
It is worth noting that Earthquake does better against Garchomp than any of the moves of Angela's Regirock, and it would've inflicted 2× damage against Waffle's Garchomp if it struck them while they were using Dig.
(This doesn't make having a Regirock use Earthquake against a Garchomp at the start of battle the correct course of action either, though.)
Angela having her Regirock use Stealth Rock in this situation was an EXTREMELY risky move, and had she been up against a Garchomp with a slightly better moveset (even one with Dig), this easily could've backfired on her, and cost her the entire battle.
(Which I will explain in more detail later on in the blog.)
Now, based on what's shown in the video, these are the moves of Waffle's Garchomp:
We don't see his Garchomp's 4th move in the video, but it's pretty safe to assume that it isn't Earthquake, otherwise he'd probably have used it instead of Dig.
It is also safe to assume that it isn't a Rock-type move, as any of Garchomp's Rock-type moves (even Rock Tomb) would've OHKO'd Angela's Charizard, based upon how much damage Dragon Claw did. (I'm guessing that his Garchomp's 4th move is probably Slash, not that it matters.)
Anyway, Waffle has his Garchomp use Dig on the very first turn of battle (it's almost always a mistake to use a 2 turn move on the first turn of battle, BTW), and Angela has her Regirock use Stealth Rock, which means that the 1st turn of Dig (which would normally allow Garchomp to avoid an attack move from their opponent) essentially goes to waste.
Next turn, Angela knows that Waffle's Garchomp has no choice but to attack with Dig (that "dead giveaway" that my moveset blog's critics refer to), and so she switches out her Regirock for her Charizard, which is immune to Dig.
Now, where I take the most issue with this video is on the next turn, when Angela has her Charizard use Dragon Pulse, and then Waffle's Garchomp uses Dragon Claw.
First of all, Garchomp is faster than Charizard (including both of Charizard's Mega Evolutions), and yet Waffle's Garchomp is slower than Angela's Charizard, which means that his Garchomp has a Nature that doesn't increase Speed, and/or hasn't had it's Speed stat maxed out.
(Which makes it a VERY flawed Garchomp to use as an example to make any sort of point, to say the least.)
Also, as I already mentioned earlier, any Rock-type move in Garchomp's movepool would've been able to OHKO Angela's Charizard, and yet despite this, Angela didn't switch out her Charizard after switching it in to counter Garchomp's Dig, which gave his Garchomp a chance to potentially OHKO them.
(Unless she already knew Waffle's Garchomp's moveset, IDK.)
Basically, she was up against a poorly trained Garchomp that happened to know Dig, and because of the flaws of Waffle's Garchomp, she was able to win the battle, despite making some MASSIVE mistakes in the first few turns of battle herself.
I'm not going to comment on the rest of the battle, as it is unrelated to the subject of this blog, but if she had been facing a better trained Garchomp, she would've lost this battle, even if said Garchomp knew Dig.
If she had been up against a Garchomp like the one that Cynthia uses in the PWT, these missteps of Angela's would've cost her the battle.
On the first turn of battle, when Angela chose to have her Regirock (which is weak against Ground-type moves) use Stealth Rock against a Garchomp, a properly trained Garchomp (like the one above) would've been able to take advantage of this, most likely by using Swords Dance.
Also, it is worth noting that Garchomp can actually learn Stealth Rock, too, and if Waffle had his Garchomp use Stealth Rock on the first turn (just like Angela had her her Regirock do), Charizard would've lost ½ of their HP the moment she sent them into battle, putting her Charizard at risk of being KO'd by Waffle's Garchomp (even with Dig, and no other Rock-type moves) should she switch it in, and this possibly would've deterred her from switching it in altogether, which means that Waffle could've had his Garchomp use Dig against Regirock, without fear of it being countered by Angela switching in her Charizard.
(A counter to her counter, in other words.)
Of course, all of this is arguably just me nitpicking (I'm an obsessive person, I can't help myself), and 1 crucial question still remains unanswered: is Dig a good move for Garchomp?
"…It's really obvious that Waffle's big problem on that battle was that Garchomp wasn't trained at all.
Seriously Dig can never replace Earthquake, what the h***. I bet Waffle didn't use Dig cause he thought it's a great move but just because he didn't bother to look up good moves for his Garchomp."
"…and don't forget we are talking about Garchomp, it's like choosing Ember over Flamethrower."
This commentator is mostly correct insofar as that Dig isn't as good of a move as Earthquake (under most circumstances, anyway), but he is absolutely wrong about it never being able to able to replace Earthquake, because in many situations, it can, and the power difference between the 2 moves is nowhere near the power difference between Ember and Flamethrower.
If a Salamence with 162 Sp. Attack were up against a Ferrothorn with 184 Sp. Def, it would inflict the following damage with Ember and Flamethrower, respectively:
Ember (crit)
Flamethrower (crit)
As we can see from these damage numbers, Ember can never replace Flamethrower.
(Except at the beginning of the game, when Flamethrower isn't yet available as a choice.)
By comparison, here is the amount of damage that a Mega Garchomp with 191 Attack (like my own Rikuzame, whom I will cover in more detail later on in this blog) would inflict with both Dig and Earthquake against a Regirock, assuming that said Regirock has 277 Defense:
Dig (crit)
Earthquake (crit)
Earthquake (multiple targets*)
Earthquake (crit, multiple targets*)
*Earthquake inflicts ¾ its usual damage in Double, Multi, Triple, Horde, and Battle Royal battle formats, due to the fact that it can hit multiple targets (potentially including the user's teammates) in these battle formats.
Much like Cynthia's Garchomp, Rikuzame's Stone Edge would've OHKO'd Angela's Charizard, while her Fire Blast and Dig would've taken out Angela's Metagross and Regirock, respectively.
(And Dig would do pretty good damage against her Metagross as well, BTW.)
"…and last of all what the f*** is that mega Garchomp, it looks like it was made specially to counter Angela's team, but even Earthquake would be 100 times a better choice over dig LOL"
Essentially, all I did was take the moveset that Cynthia'sGarchomp has when you battle her in her villa in Undella Town (in Black and White Versions 2, anyway), replaced Earthquake with Dig, and gave it a Garchompite (this version of Cynthia's Garchomp normally has no held item), and then trained their stats for a mixed Mega Garchomp moveset.
You'll notice that it is only 1 move off from my own Rikuzame, and while I wouldn't recommend going with a moveset like this (with Earthquake or Dig) for a Garchomp that you aren't going to Mega Evolve (despite the fact that Cynthia doesn't do this with hers), this is an AWESOME moveset for a Mega Garchomp, and is somewhat more flexible than my own Rikuzame, due to it knowing Dragon Rush instead of Outrage.
(I would go into more detail, but this blog is supposed to be about Garchomps that know Dig, not which Dragon-type moves are best for one.)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Waffle's Garchomp (Improved Version A)] Garchomp @ Focus Sash
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
-Dragon Claw
-Stealth Rock
OK, I pretty much never run Stealth Rock on Garchomp myself, but all I did was take Waffle's Garchomp, fixed up their stats (which gives it 169 Speed, faster than the fastest Charizard), gave it a Focus Sash (IDK what his Garchomp was holding), and replaced that 4th unused move with Stealth Rock.
Now to be clear, I am NOT recommending that anyone actually use this Garchomp in battle (unless you want to for some strange reason), as a Garchomp without Swords Dance and/or a Mega Stone is far from ideal, but this Garchomp still could've done good against Angela's team in this battle, simply by using Stealth Rock on the first turn, and then using Dig.
Crunch is super effective against Metagross, Dig is super effective against Regirock, and as we saw in the video, Dragon Claw does fairly well against Charizard, so just adding Stealth Rock to his moveset (as weird as it is IMO) would more or less fix his Garchomp's type coverage problem.
(In this battle, anyway.)[/spoiler]
This Garchomp's moveset is still pretty similar to Waffle's (they both know Dragon Claw and Dig), but unlike his Garchomp, this one has Swords Dance (which increases the damage that Garchomp inflicts with all of its physical moves by roughly 100% with each use) and Rock Slide, which means not only that it could've done better in this battle, but that it could (possibly) work against a better though out team, as well.
OK, this one is similar to both my 2nd modified version of Waffle's Garchomp and Cynthia's PWT Garchomp, but with the Focus Sash being replaced by a Mega Stone, and Outrage/Dragon Claw being replaced by Dual Chop.
(Which has its advantages, although I personally like Outrage the best.)
It might seem like a weird moveset, but once Swords Dance is used once, it doesn’t matter how weird this Garchomp's moveset is, as it already has 222 Attack before It uses Swords Dance, and it has sufficient type coverage to get away with using Dig instead of Earthquake, in this and many other battles.
Any one of these Garchomps (and countless others that I'm either too lazy or too secretive to share with y'all, lol) wou'ld've been able to defeat Angela's team, despite knowing Dig, and I suspect that there are numerous other battle videos out there that show Garchomps using Earthquake (which is undeniably one of Garchomp's best moves), where it wouldn't have made any difference whether or not the Trainer had their Garchomp use Dig or Earthquake.
(If someone can show me or explain to me a scenario where this minor difference in damage and/or the 2 turn move thing makes some crucial difference, I would very much like you to share it with me.)
"…You should have picked a different Pokemon for your argument to make sense. Like Leafeon idk"
Yes, Dig is a good move for Leafeon, and I will cover it in a future blog in this series.
"…I will likely know what Pokemon that's switching in, thanks to Team Previewer (the thing right before the match)."
This is absolutely correct, and this applies just as much when using 2 turn moves as it does when using any other moves.
(It's all about thinking ahead, and anticipating what your opponent is going to do before they do it.)
I once mentioned in one of the chatrooms here on Paint how a Salamence could counter an opponent switching in a Ferrothorn to counter Fly by using Fire Blast afterwords, and I have since nicknamed using 2 turn moves in this way "Fly-fishing", after the move Fly.
[spoiler=Does Fly-fishing really work?]"…If we are talking about single battles you really can't "fish" anything with 2 turn moves,maybe a specific Pokemon like the Ferrothorn you mentioned. But even there you are wrong cause why would you put Fly and Fire Blast on a Salamence when it has better moves to deal with a Ferrothorn. Just think about it: Fly takes 2 turns and makes contact with Ferrothorn (ouch) if Ferrothorn switches and you used Fire Blast there goes your plan. Totally useless moves…"
As for these "better moves to deal with a Ferrothorn", there is LITERALLY no better move in Salamence's movepool for dealing with Ferrothorn than Fire Blast, and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or misinformed.
If someone wanted to argue that Flamethrower or Heat Wave would be better to deal with Ferrothorn (or most other Steel-types with an annoyingly high Defense stat, for that matter) due to their higher accuracy, I would certainly not argue against that, but if (as I suspect) they are arguing against the idea of a mixed moveset on Salamence, or even against the idea of teaching it a Fire-type move altogether (even Fire Fang), then it needs to be pointed out that Fire-type moves inflict 4× against Ferrothorn, and that Fire Blast could potentially OHKO a Ferrothorn.
(The same cannot be said of Salamence's other Steel coverage moves, such as Brick Break or Earthquake.)
Below is the damage that a Salamence with 162 Sp. Attack would inflict against a Ferrothorn with 184 Sp. Defense, the highest possible Sp. Defense stat it can have at level 50:
Fire Blast
Fire Blast (crit)
Also, although I'm going to cover this in more detail in the next blog in this series (which will be about my Landorus moveset), I would like to mention that Iron Barbs would inflict 21 points of damage on Salamence if they flew into a Ferrothorn, and if the Ferrothorn was holding a Rocky Helmet, then it would inflict an additional 21 points damage.
(Assuming the Salamence is level 50 and has 170 HP, anyway.)[/spoiler]
"Whoa! You countered my counter of your counter to my counterattack! Amazing!"
When you hate Talonflame so much that you bring Regirock lol
So, what the hell did I just read?
It's really obvious that Waffle's big problem on that battle was that Garchomp wasn't trained at all.
Seriously Dig can never replace Earthquake, what the hell. I bet Waffle didn't use Dig cause he thought it's a great move but just because he didn't bother to look up good moves for his Garchomp.
If we are talking about single battles you really can't "fish" anything with 2 turn moves,maybe a specific Pokemon like the Ferrothorn you mentioned. But even there you are wrong cause why would you put Fly and Fire Blast on a Salamence when it has better moves to deal with a Ferrothorn. Just think about it: Fly takes 2 turns and makes contact with Ferrothorn (ouch) if Ferrothorn switches and you used Fire Blast there goes your plan. Totally useless moves
and last of all what the fuck is that mega Garchomp, it looks like it was made specially to counter Angela's team, but even Earthquake would be 100 times a better choice over dig LOL
2 turn moves can be useful sometimes but this is not a good way to use them, at all.
Aa for that Garchomp of mine, it's moveset wasn't meant to counter Angela's team, it was merely meant to cover the weaknesses of it's own moves (including Dig) with it's other moves, and it's fairly similar to the one Cynthia uses when you battle her in her villa in White Version 2, IIRC.
(Aside from the whole Mega Evolution thing, of course.)
Outrage is obviously a good move for a Garchomp, and having a Ground-type move (in this case the somewhat unconventional choice of Dig) and a Fire-type move (in this case Fire Blast, to help against all of those Steel-types with ridiculously high Defense) for thorough Steel-type coverage is something I do quite often with my Dragons (especially my Garchomps), and as far as Stone Edge is concerned, I was trying to provide additional coverage of Dig's weaknesses, similar to the logic behind the whole "EdgeQuake" thing.
If 2 turn moves are used later in the course of battle, however, your opponent may or may not have any means of countering it, so IMO they aren't useless, you just need to be careful when using them.
You're absolutely right about Dig not being a substitute for Earthquake, though.
(At least, under most circumstances, anyway.)
"If 2 turn moves are used later in the course of battle, however, your opponent may or may not have any means of countering it" But that would apply to any other kind of move in the game, and don't forget we are talking about Garchomp, it's like choosing Ember over Flamethrower. You should have picked a different Pokemon for your argument to make sense. Like Leafeon idk
Well, I wanted to use that particular battle as an example to make some of my points, mostly because of the fact it was used as example of why I was supposedly wrong about 2 turn moves in the first place.
Oh yes, and I should bring up the fact that 2 turn moves (unlike Protect, Detect, King's Shield, etc.) can potentially allow the user to dodge a Z-move, which can even be handy in Single battles.
(Not to mention their status as attack moves gives them certain advantages over those moves in certain situations, as well.)