Like in Doubles, such moves (assuming they are attack moves, and not multi target status moves, anyway) inflict 75% of the damage they'd inflict in a Single Battle.
Because of this, multi target attacks and status moves (like Dark Void) are EXTREMELY powerful in Triples, particularly if used from the center position.
(Initimidate works well from the center position, too.)
I've gotten a lot of criticism for recommending the move "Fly" for Landorus in one of my Moveset blogs before, and their argument was that the move was a "dead giveaway", and was therefore completely useless.
Now, regardless of whether or not this is true in Single Battles, or even in Doubles, it is most certainly NOT the case in Triple Battles, and I'll explain why.
Even if there is an obvious target, you don't necessarily have to go for it, and as a result, you can take advantage of these moves in a variety of ways in Triple Battles.
This was the original submission of this blog, and as can be seen from the exchange between me and Aaron in the comments, there was a miscommunication on my part, which led to him rejecting it.
I figured that this was worth re-submitting because of that.
(I'll understand completely if it still doesn't get featured, though.)