The 7 Heads of the Snake are the 7 individuals who run the secret Balrothist cult known as the Union of the Snake (and if you're unfamiliar with them [A=/blog/view.php?id=101249#:~:text=Union%20of%20the%20Snake?]read this[/A]), and they are the main villains of MoD.
Like Gobediah had mentioned in my rewrite of MoD Chapter I, there are 6 Demon Overlords who rule over Muspelheim alongside the Demon God Balroth.
Also known as the 6 Sin Lords, these Demon Overlords are EXTREMELY powerful compared to the Demon Lords that Helena and her sisters faced in the Halloween special, and each of them represents one of the 7 deadly sins from the Bible (which is why Moreku's title is "the Gluttonous", since he represents the deadly sin of gluttony), with Balroth itself representing the deadliest of the 7 deadly sins: pride.
During that conversation in the sewers, Creep Coprophage of the 7 Heads [A=/blog/view.php?id=101608#:~:text=That's%20interesting,%20because%20it%20seems%20as%20though%20my%20idol%20out%20there%20was%20destroyed%20as%20well%E2%80%A6]refers to the Idol of Moreku as one of his idols[/A], and the reason for this is because the 7 Heads of the Snake (excluding Lumin) are actually possessed by the 6 Demon Overlords, and Creep is actually a Hobgoblin noble who sold his soul to Moreku tens of millions of years ago in order to become a Vampire Lord, and the other 5 Heads of the Snake sold their souls to the other 5 Sin Lords to do the same, and they've all survived for tens of millions years by drinking "high quality blood".
(In other words: the blood of children.)
The head of the Evilonian Intelligence Agency (EIA). He is one of the most cunning and deadly Assassins in all of Sangai, and while he hides his true identity as a Hobgoblin and pretends to be a Human just like the other 6 Heads do, he doesn't hide how good he is at murdering people covertly, nor how much he enjoys doing it.
(He's really good at his job in other words, even though he's loyal to Lumin and not Misandria.)
#3 Secretary Seth Schadenfreude (Sloth)
The Evilonian Empire's Secretary of War. He is among the most outspoken advocates for Evilonia's imperialist foreign policy, but while he's constantly pushing for more wars and bloodshed in the world, [A=/blog/view.php?id=101608#:~:text=I'm%20just%20still%20not%20used%20to%20these%20sorts%20of%20gatherings%20like%20this,%20and%20I%20prefer%20to%20just%20sit%20at%20my%20desk%20and%20tell%20people%20to%20go%20kill%20each%20other%E2%80%A6]he prefers to do so while sitting at his desk[/A] or at meetings with other government officials, and he is incredibly lazy and cowardly.
(The less he actually has to do himself the better, from his perspective.)
#4 Count Creep Coprophage (Gluttony)
A wealthy Evilonian nobleman who basically runs the (illegal) abortion industry in Midgard, allowing him to easily acquire large quantities of dead children for him and his fellow 7 Heads members to feast on at their meetings in the sewers.
(And like I mentioned above, he is possessed by Demon Overlord Moreku, who is based on Molek.)
#5 Baron Davos von Bilderberg (Greed)
The head of the Evilonian Central Bank (ECB), which is in charge of producing and dispensing the Evilonian Warbuck (Evilonia's paper currency) throughout the economy.
(He's basically Evilonia's equivalent of the chairman of the Federal Reserve.)
#6 Lolita Concubus (Lust)
The head of the Velnirese mafia. Like Creep, he is involved in some particularly unpleasant criminal behavior: child trafficking and slavery.
#7 King Malkor Balthazar (Envy)
The king of the Hobgoblins. He is the only member of the 7 Heads of the Snake who (normally) doesn't disguise himself in a Human illusion, and he is tasked with keeping the Hobgoblins and other former members of [A=/blog/view.php?id=101249#:~:text=Unholy%20Alliance?]the Unholy Alliance[/A] in line with the Union of the Snake's agenda, rather than infiltrating and manipulating Human society like the other Heads of the Snake. Also, when Lumin talks about his "resources" in Shadewood Forest, he is referring to all of those cockroaches concentrated around the corrupted Fairy Spring there, which Helena realized were spying on her and Necky.
Although Creep Coprophage's name is far more cockroach-like than Lumin's, Lumin's telepathic connection to cockroaches is unique among the 7 Heads, and it is just one of his many unusual and disturbing powers.
(And one which allows him to spy on events all over Midgard without being detected.)