We as Christians need to be grounded in God's word. It's not just an old lucky charm that you dust off every day. It is living, it is powerful, and it is sharper than any two-edged sword.
We need to read it, and learn from it. I've created this group with the intention of encouraging Christians to read their Bibles more and be curious. (Including myself)
A member will post one or two verses in the shoutbox everyday. Verses will be from the same book every month. You can use the shoutbox to ask questions about faith, ask how to get past a certain struggle, just ask people to pray for you, or even tell everyone about something amazing God has just done for you or someone you know. But let's keep this God-focused.
I encourage you to look up the daily verse, and see it's context as well as consider it's meaning for your life.
With that being said, welcome, and I hope we will grow stronger as the world desperately tries to crush us.